The Start Of A Dream

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5 months have passed since Brandon's departure from the impact zone. Those were tough months especially with the break up him and Velvet Sky after what happened on his last episode of impact.

Ever since that day, Brandon had been working Indy shows worldwide trying to find a brand to stick with. Having found no luck he decided to take a break from wrestling. Just days later, video footage of his matches surfaced on social media and eventually he got a call from a dream company.

Todd: Hey. Is this Brandon Powers?

Brandon: The one and only...

Todd: How would you like be a megastar?

Brandon perked up and listened intently.

Brandon: I'm listening.

Todd: Todd Mullen, WWE recruiting personnel.

Brandon: Wait WWE?

Todd: Yes sir! The one and only World Wrestling Entertainment.

Brandon muted himself so that Todd couldn't here and tried to hold himself back from screaming.

Todd: So...

Brandon: I'm in!

Todd: Alright! We'll be in touch.

Brandon: Thank you so much.

Todd: Don't mention it.

The phone hung up.

Luckily no one was in the house except for him because he let out loud scream of excitement as he fist bumped the air. He immediately called his parents and some of his friends to let them in on what just happened. They all were excited for him and wished him luck on his career.

A few days later, Brandon got the call to head down to the performance center for tryouts.

When he arrived there, he couldn't help but take it all in for a moment. He was about to tread on the same grounds that many superstars past and present have traded before him. He was ready.

When he eventually walked through the door. He was met by none other than Matt Bloom one of the main coaches at the facility.

Bloom: Ah... So you must be the new talent Todd was talking about. Well, ya certainly look the part. Matt Bloom. Head coach. Welcome to the WWE performance center!

Brandon: Thanks Matt. Can't wait to get started.

Bloom: That's cool and all, but I got one question...

He slowly walked closer towards Brandon.

Bloom: Do you think you have what it takes to be a WWE Superstar?

Brandon: I Know I have what it takes...

Brandon said with determination edged on his face.

Bloom: Alright then...

He paused

Bloom: Let's get started.

Over the next few hours, Brandon perfected what skills he already knew, and learned some new techniques to put to use in later matches. He even had trial matches against the likes of Andrade, Matt Riddle, and even Johnny Wrestling himself Johnny Gargano. Sure, he didn't win all of his matches, but he proved what he said just hours before. He was ready for WWE.

Bloom: Alright! That'll do! You're ready kid!

Brandon, even though exhausted, knew he had done it. He'd proven his worth to everyone there while sending a message to anyone who doubted him after his stint with TNA ended.

After getting changed, he sat in a ring that wasn't being used with his back on a turnbuckle pad. Just as he was trying to run his mind through what just happened, a bright and cheerful voice jarred him out of his thoughts.

???: Hey there stranger!

Brandon: Dah! What the... oh. Hey

???: My apologies. Did I scared ya?

Brandon: Yeah... kinda. I'll be fine though.

???: That's Good... Wait aren't you...

Brandon: Brandon Powers... the one and only...

???: My goodness.. I-I've been waiting for this moment my entire life!

Brandon: Wait... wh- who are... no... are you.

Becky: Becky Lynch formally known as Rebecca Knox

Brandon: No friggin way! Y- You were the one that got me into wrestling!

Becky: Well that's a coincidence because watching you got me back into wrestling after I took a break.

Both: Huh.

Brandon: So my guess is you just passed your tryout.

Becky: Yep, and you?

Brandon: Nailed it.

Becky: Sweet!

The two shared a bit about their paths and what led them to WWE. Just then Rebecca had an idea.

Becky: Hey, weird idea but, what if we were to form a little team between you and I. Ya know, since we're both on NXT...

Brandon: Actually that's not a bad idea.

Becky: I mean I know it's naïve and all that but...
Wait come again.

Brandon: I could actually run with that idea, that's actually a good one.

Becky: r-really?

Brandon: I don't know. What do you think...

He stuck his fist out in fist bump position.

Brandon: Partner?

Becky readily completed the fist bump and could barely contain her excitement.

Becky: Of freaking course I will!! This is gonna be good... partner!

Brandon: Well Alright! Hey I gotta get going, it's been a long day!

Bloom: Not so fast BP just so you know, you'll be starting in a few weeks time and Becky you'll be starting days after.

Brandon: Actually Mr. Bloom I have an idea if I may.

He walked over and whispered his plan to Matt for his approval.

Bloom:Well that's sounds like a splendid idea! You two as a team? Even better! You guys'll start in two weeks!

Becky: Knew was a good plan.

Brandon: Never doubted ya. Bye!

Becky: Toodles!

As the two went there separate ways, the both of them knew that their career in WWE was just getting started, and the best was try to come.

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