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Brandon Bazil had been an avid wrestling fan for over few months at this point and wanted to get in the ring and start wrestling himself. He watched match after match on the WWE network as well as training in the gym to prepare himself physically, but he never had that in ring experience yet. That was until WWE HOF Shawn Micheals rang him up and offered his training to which Brandon readily accepted.
A few weeks of training later, he had his debut professional wrestling match with a company known quite simply as TNA. There he had interstellar five star matches with the likes of legends like Ric Flair, Sting and Woken (then Broken) Matt Hardy.

A few months later, Brandon had earned a title shot at TNA : Bound For Glory against the Impact World Champion Micheal Hutter also known as EC3. Brandon hung out backstage with his then girlfriend at the time Jamie Szantyr, or Velvet Sky, gear on ready to rock. Just then EC3 strode into view. The two had an intense stare down before Carter unbuckled the title from around his waist and raised it above his head.

Micheal: You want it? Come and get it.

He said with a grin on his face as he walked towards the stage.

Brandon eyed him down the entire way until he was out of sight.

Sky saw the look in his eyes and calmed him down.

Jamie: Hey... it's not worth it. Use that for the match. You got this.

Brandon looked at her. His rage soon turned into visible determination which she noticed and raised her fist for a fist bump.

Jamie: You got this babe!

Brandon: Thanks babe!

He said as he accepted the fist bump made made his way to the stage entrance.

(Entrance Music for future reference)

Brandon was the first one to make his entrance. As the music built up towards the drop the arena fell to darkness. Blue lights fading in and out. Brandon slowly made his way on to the stage with his blue light up gear activated as the crowd cheered loudly.
He got down on one knee and put a closed fist knuckle down on the floor. When the beat dropped, he rose to his feet and looked out at the TNA crowd in attendance. A few moments later, he did one of his signature poses which looked something like this

 A few moments later, he did one of his signature poses which looked something like this

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and headed towards the ring.

Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Jacksonville Florida, weighing in at 256 lbs, Brandon Powers!

The crowd cheered him on as he stepped through the ropes and climbed the top rope to salute the fans in attendance. He soon hopped down and walked into his corner of the ring and waited for his opponent that soon slowly made his way to the ring with louder cheers of adoration from the crowd.

Announcer: and his opponent, from Willoughby, Ohio, weighing in at 231 pounds, he is the Impact World Champion, E... C... 3!!!

The crowd chanted along as the champion made his way to the ring. As he finished his entrance, the two stared down each other for a few moments before EC3 raised the title above his head and taunted him but Brandon remained unmoved as he awaited for the bell to ring. Micheal, noticing that he hadn't gotten into the head of his opponent, just handed the title over to the referee and backed into his corner.
The bell rang soon after signaling the start of the match.

The two circled the ring a few times before locking up for the first of many times.

A good 30 minutes later, the match was going well for Brandon as he had EC3 rocked with a super-kick and getting ready to secure the win when suddenly Velvet Sky's music hit.
Brandon was startled question what she was doing out there. That was until EC3 turned him around and nailed him with The One Percenter and covered him to eventually secure the win. Micheal quickly rolled out of the ring and walked backwards towards the stage as the referee handed him his title.

Announcer: Your winner and still impact world champion! E... C... 3!!!

The crowd went crazy with disbelief of what they just saw. Brandon slowly rose to his knees and started processing what just happened. As he was, Velvet slid in the ring to check on him. She soon helped him up to his feet, stared at him for a few moments, then slapped in dead in the face to the astonishment of the crowd. Brandon looked at her with a surprised look on his face, but she only wore a stern look on her face and mouthed the words...

"We're through"

Before exiting the ring and walking up to Micheal. When she reached him, the two looked at each other before kissing on the stage. This sent Brandon into a saddened state as he watched the two walk backstage. After the pay-per-view went off the air, Brandon walked straight to his locker room, changed, grabbed his bags, and in two simple words told management...

Brandon: I QUIT!!!

Before walking out of the arena and flying back to his home in the sunshine state.

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