My Future

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*Few Months time-skip

After a few months of living the champ life in title defense after title defense, it was time for the final Takeover before Wrestle-mania. Brandon was currently entangled in a rivalry with Tommaso Ciampa for the NXT Championship in a no DQ match. Brandon arrived at the arena after an hour training session thanks to Rebecca, who was standing right next to him.

Becky: Another Takeover...

Brandon: Another title defense!

The two fist bumped and walked to the arena while talking about a game-plan for his match. A few minutes before entrances began, Brandon was nervously preparing for the match of his career. Rebecca slowly walked up next to him.

Becky: You Alright?

He took a deep breath.

Brandon: Yeah... I guess...

Becky: what's wrong.

Brandon: I don't know... probably just trying to get over the thought that this will be my first No DQ match in forever...

Becky: Hey... you'll do great... alright? Win lose or draw we still have each other.

She said with a smile as they kissed before she watched him walk into gorilla to wait for his theme to hit. When it did, the crowd thundered as he made his way out to the ring with determination edged on his face as he entered the ring and waited for his opponent. When Ciampa's music hit, the crowd booed like mad, but something was amiss. He never emerged from the back. Soon from the midst of the crowd, Ciampa ran through, steel chair in hand, slid in the ring and ambushed Brandon with a steel chair before the bell even rang. One Haines assault later, Ciampa stood back as referees and doctors checked over him to see if he could continue. Out of pure defiance, motioned then away and slowly made his way upwards to a somewhat vertical base.

Backstage, Rebecca had her hands cupped on her face as she watched the assault but deep inside she knew he could still do it. She soon heard the bell ring which gave her a glimmer of hope.

Meanwhile back and the ring, Ciampa had taken the early advantage with Brandon on the ropes but he fought his way out of it for the majority of the match. An Hour later after being driven through a table, dropped on the stage and even spike DDTed on the wooden planks of the ring itself, Ciampa mercifully covered Brandon to end the match.

Braxton; Here is your winner, and the NEEEEWWW!!! NXT Champion Tommaso Ciampa!!!

The crowd booed furiously as Ciampa stood over Brandon's broken body as Champion. He looked over his handy work and slowly made his way to the back. The crowd then went silent as Brandon laid on his back trying to muster whatever strength he had left to get up, but he couldn't on his on so he crawled towards one of the ring posts and sat himself up against it as everyone in the arena gave him a standing ovation for an incredible match. A few minutes later Rebecca came out without any theme to help him as the crowd cheered louder. When she got to him she got down on one knee and checked on him as doctors made their way to the scene.

Becky: Hey... You good?

Brandon: Y-Yeah... I guess...

Becky could tell he was more than a little shaken up so with help from the doctors at ringside, she slowly walked him to the back accompanied by "Thank You Brandon" chants by the fans. As they reached the stage they slowly turned around so that Brandon was looking out at the WWE Universe and he slowly raised up half of his signature pose for a few minutes before they turned back around and headed to the back. Once they got through gorilla a huge 2x2 line of superstars lined the tunnel, each one of them giving their support for him as they passed through. A few minutes later after getting an X-ray along with being bandaged up, the two made their way to their locker room to change. She helped him change into his clothes after his shower then she got ready to shower and change. As she was changing in the bathroom Brandon started to fade in and out of consciousness completely blacking out after a few minutes. Rebecca came out and nearly cried.

Becky: B-Brandon?

She said checking up on him before calling for the doctors.

Becky: Brandon... it's gonna be ok...

*timeskip a month later*

After the episode in the locker room, and a lengthy stay in the hospital, or as Rebecca called it "Doctor Jail", Brandon went from active superstar to managerial role for his Irish girlfriend. One night after a RAW taping, Paul Levesque caught the two walking to her locker room.

Paul: Hey Brandon, can I speak to you for a second.

Brandon: O... Kay? Am I in trouble?

Paul: No, no you're not. I just wanna talk to you about plans for when you return.

Brandon: Plans hmm? I'm listening.

Paul: Well after your extensive and successful run in NXT, the board and I have decided to put you on a cross brand contract between RAW and Smackdown Live

Brandon: No way!! A-Are you serious!?

Paul: It's already been finalized... Welcome to the main roster!!

Becky: Wait... but what about me?

Paul: Oh Yeah, I almost forgot. The plan is for you two to be couple on screen as well. So that contract applies to you two.

Becky: Sweet! Thanks Paul!

Paul: No problem! You two have a good night.

Brandon: You too!

Paul left the two as they hugged it out before getting ready to head to the next town.

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