The meal and the ....

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Danielle's pov

I was dressed in a simple black dress and converse waiting for everyone I'm dreading this so much :~( why do I have to be here don't people get it me and Nathan are never getting back together let's face that fact

"Danielle you never change do you? you just had to ware converse" max spoke

I jumped on max and hugged him I haven't seen these boys in ages what do you expect


Me and Nathan hadn't spoken all night didn't even look at each other but me and the boys had a good night in fact apart from Nathan it was like having my old family back I missed these boys there like chipmunks on drugs when they are hyper jay loved my vegetarian section in my menu we was all just having some drinks at the minute catching up we talked a lot that night just about everything that's happened


Just as I was falling into sleep my phone flashed

"Wow dude calm ye pants" I spoke to the phone as I answerd

" I um....can I come to yours please danielle ?" the person spoke

"Um Nathan is this you ?" I asked confused

"Um ye" he spoke

"Oh erm why are you not with the boys?"

"They went home I figured I'd go to macdonalds and I kind of got lost and realised I was around by your house" he spoke

"Yeah sure come around then but I have only got my bed so I'll take the sofa for the night I'll see you when you get here" as I finished I put the phone down

That was the most me and Nathan had spoke


'Knock, knock, knock,knock'

I opened the door to Nathan's face looking shy and looking down

"Erm come in" I smiled

"Danielle I'm really sorry I didn't tell you but would you rather me or your mum have told you I just want us to be friends or maybe even something more than that" Nathan loudly spoke

"Nathan I don't blame you for what you done yes you shouldn't have kept it from me but yes I would of rather my mum have told me but I think I just needed someone to be angry at because my mums gone" I smiled as I spoke

"So are we okay?" he asked worried

"Nathan if we wasn't okay do you think I would have let you come and stay in my house?"

"Well no but I will tell you the truth I told the boys I was coming to see you I didnt go to macdonalds after tonight I just wanted to talk to you I miss talking to you it was horrible seeing you like the way you was" his eyes looked so sad

"Listen Nathan shall we just watch a film because I'd rather do that than feel guilty and go over all my past mistakes" I walked over to the TV turned it on and put Texas chainsaw into the DVD player

"Do you still watch this I swere you've seen this about 8202 times" he took his shoes, jacket and sat on the sofa

I smiled at the fact he still knows I love that film I got the blanket and came down placed it on the sofa and climbed in


End of the night Nathan was asleep so sadly I had to wake him up




"Yo get your lazy fat arse off the sofa....."

Well he wasn't moving as usual


His eyes went wide well I didn't expect that he jumped up and kissed me his hands went down to my bum while mine went to his neck while I drew shapes into his neck every single feeling that I have ever had of Nathan came flooding back i pulled away grabbed the blanket and ran to my room Nathan Chased me up and tackled me to the bed we shared another kiss and got into bed he slept in his boxers so I slept quite well that night

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