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Nathan's pov

As we sat there in the hospital I was so annoyed and upset at the same time just why everything was going okay maybe just a little to okay

...,back to this afternoon....
Danielle had been going a little pale as we sat down to eat lunch and my girlfriend started to go on with her snide comments an Danielle just didn't even say anything back to her she just left her to go on and that's when jay of all people screamed all over the kitchen

"Listen Nathan doesn't love ask him your self just fuck off going on about out life's when you have your own your sleeping with everyone very five seconds and you still carry on don't you see the way he looks at Danielle why can't you just leave"

She then looked at me and asked "is this true"

"Ermm..." I couldn't speak

"Oh Nathan get the balls and tell her" siva spoke

"Well yes and I'm sorry but it's not like Danielle loves me back so I'm happy with you"

"I'm no second best to that slut it's over you little dog" with that she stomped out the house in her heals

We heard a little whisper say "Nathan I do love you and always have"

And then there was a big thud onto the floor we all looked over and seen Danielle passed out

We was still in the hospital I haven't left since Danielle got brought in they told us she passed out because of loss of blood she had cut not to long ago and one of her cuts had Opened so we was waiting for Danielle's cuts to be sorted and wait for her to wake up I no me and Danielle have always had that bond and awkward relationship thing but she told me she loved me before she had passed out


We was sitting in the hospital room with Danielle and Max pointed out a tattoo none of us had see on Danielle before it said "our love is strong maybe so strong that it's wrong" and at the side a little heart

I need to ask her about that later it's not new but she always told us when she got new ink

"Hey Reanna did you know about this?" Tom asked

"Ermmm yep I went with her" reanna answered

"What's it mean ?" Jay asked

"It's about her and Nathan the way her love is that strong for him but maybe it's wrong because everything she loves is wrong she thinks that if she lets her self love Nathan then she will hurt him"

As Reanna said this I cried and walked out there was something I needed to get


Danielle's pov

I've been awake all 2 days now and haven't once seen Nathan or the other boys Reanna had come In to check on me and everything and bring me pjs and magazines I wonder what I've done to upset them but Reanna has been filling me on everything

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