Pop His Cherry (Part 2) Rated R

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xD There's Greyson on the side --->

Ahaha shirtless males. . . Nuff Said ;D

Christopher felt numb as he walked from the school to his car; barely making note of the almost empty parking lot. He had said his goodbyes to the girls a little while ago and changed back into his school clothes before setting off for home. The news Van gave to everyone was heartbreaking and terrifying. Christopher wasn't extremely close with all the football players, Van especially - only liking him from a distance; but they were a family, and family stuck with each other throughout all the hardships. He couldn't fathom what Van must be feeling right now, what his parents must be feeling. 

 By the time he had made it to his silver 2010 Toyota Corolla his vision had begun to blur from the swelling of tears under his eyes. He felt helpless and he hated it. He had always put on a brave front despite being a tad over-emotional, and now. . . that mask was shattering and leaving him feeling naked and raw. 

 Chris came to a stop in front of his car, catching a glimpse of his reflection in the driver's window. His cheeks were puffy and his eyes were red and swollen from rubbing away the tears. 

Anger suddenly flared in his chest! Why did he have to be so pathetic? Why couldn't he be like everyone else and just offer simple condolences instead of getting so emotional? He had no right to be acting this way over someone he barely knew.

"Urgh!" he growled and slapped the palm of his hand against the glass. Once. Twice. And then a third time; feeling the sharp sting bite his smooth skin. He leaned his forehead against the window and buried his face in the opposite arm.  His shoulders shook as he suppressed the sobs threatening to escape his throat. 

He jumped in alarm when a thick pair of arms appeared out of nowhere and wrapped around his waist, pulling him into a solid chest. 
"Shh," A thick baritone whispered in his ear as they nuzzled their chin into Chris's neck. "let it all out, baby." Their voice sounded familiar but Chris could not place it in his frenzied state.

Startled, Christopher struggled to set himself free of the mystery person's hold as they backed a couple steps away from his car; he did not want to be touched, petted or cooed at right now. He wanted to go home and take a long nap with the aid of some sleeping pills before he had to wake up and face people again at school the next day. He did not favor reality at this particular moment. 

He caught sight of movement out of the right corner of his eye. Flicking his gaze to that side, Greyson's six foot figure came into full view. He instantly knew that Thad was the one who was latched on to him because the two of them were always together - attached at the hip. Worry was etched on to Greyson's features and a stern frown marred his kissable lips.  The grip of the person holding him tightened and a wave of their musk washed over him as they shifted together. The fight suddenly left him as he inhaled Thad's fruity essence.  

Greyson stepped right in front of Chris; standing toe-to-toe with him. "We knew you'd be upset." Greyson spoke softly, as if he was afraid he would scare Chris away. Not that he could go anywhere with Thad's arms still locked around him. 

How could they possibly know that?

Unless they believed he was an emotional train-wreck 24/7 (which he wasn't). And that implied that they knew him. Which they didn't.

Chris opened his mouth to speak but Greyson beat him to it, "The two of us have been watching you."

Chris snapped his open jaw shut.

He was stunned speechless for a second.

They had been. . . watching him? 

Chris felt his shoulders tense as he gave Greyson a very confused look.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2014 ⏰

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