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The 2 weeks after the first date with Jax was incredible. We spent everyday at school together and sometimes even hung out after school. Little miss bitch wasn't too happy we were hanging out so much, but we didn't give a shit. We also went and saw a few more movies. We have another date scheduled for today, which is Thursday.

Jax said to dress formally, so I guess we're going to a nice restaurant. I put on a tight black dress and my leather jacket. And I have some black booties to match. My mom walks in on me getting ready. "Where are you going?" "I have a date tonight." I say back. "Well I'll be at Kathryn's house until tomorrow if you need me."(Kathryn is a friend of hers) She starts to walk out but turns around. "And do me a favor and don't get pregnant." We both laugh and she walks out.

I finish getting ready when the door bell rings. I walk over and open it. Jax is standing there with a black button up shirt and black jeans. His red tie adds a bit of color to his black aesthetic.

Jax scans me up and down. I can always tell that he likes what he sees when he bites his lower lip. I break the silence. "You look nice." Jax comes out of his trance. "Sorry. You're beautiful body had me in a trance." He winks at me. I smile. I turn and close the door. Jax leads me to his Jeep and we hop in. Off to dinner we go.

We arrive in about ten minutes. Jax takes my hand and leads me into the cute little place. Once we enter, I'm greeted by a cute little hostess wearing a revealing top. "Hello. Is there a reservation, sir?" She says as she pushes together her cleavage. Why does this always happen to poor Jax? "Yes. It's under Wylde." The hostess proceeds to look through her computer and speaks up, "Jax Wylde?" Jax nods his head. "That's a hot name." She says. I snap. "Excuse me?" I say to the hostess. "Sorry lady. He's clearly more interested in me." She does a hair flip. Oh hell no. No one talks to me or about Jax like that. I step forward and pull her real close and whisper, "if you ever, ever, speak like that to me or my boyfriend again, I swear to god I'll fucking beat your ass." I smile at her. She gets real nervous and grabs the menus. She trips over her shoes as she leads us to our table. "H-here's your table. Enjoy y-your meal." She sets the menus down and scurries away.

We sit down and burst out laughing. Jax eventually stops and asks, "So I'm your boyfriend now?" Oh shit. I've been exposed. "I mean..well...if you want to be." Jax looks a bit surprised."And here I was thinking I was real slick because I was gonna ask you to be my girlfriend tonight at dinner." He laughs. "Is that a yes?" I ask still unsure. "Of course it is Maddie. I'd love for you to be my girlfriend." Jax smiles. HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH. I sing in My head. I lean across the table and plant a small kiss on Jax's lips. "And I couldn't be happier to be your girlfriend." Then Jax leans in and plants kiss on my lips.

Dinner was great. We start driving back towards my house since my mom will be gone until tomorrow and we have no school tomorrow because it's the start of Christmas break.

As he's driving, Jax places his hand on my thigh again. I feel the sparks flying. I start tracing circles on the top of his hand.

We pull into my driveway and Jax shuts off the car. He starts dragging his hand up and up my leg before he reaches the hem of my dress. I look him the eyes and I lean into him. We start kissing. He has his hand in my hair and on my back. I have my hand on his neck.

Soon I reposition myself so that I'm on his lap. We keep kissing. Our tongues intertwine. I can feel his want for me. And I want him just as much.

I open the car door. I get out and Jax follows. I open the front door as he's locking the car. I lead him into my room with desire in my eyes. He enters my room and he closes the door behind him. Jax soon pushes me up against the wall. My leg was up on his hip and his hand was on my booty. Our lips never leave each others.

I start to unbutton his top. Once he takes it off, I stop for a second. I was in awe with how beautifully sculpted his muscles are. Jax then starts to unzip my dress. It falls to the floor with a thud. Jax is the one to stop this time. He bites his lower lip in desire. I pull him close and we start kissing again.

Jax then lifts me up as if I weigh nothing. I wrap my legs around him. Our lips never leaving each other. He plants me on the bed. I start to unzip his pants. Once his pants are off, he starts to kiss his way down my neck, then to a spot in my collarbone. I let out a small moan. He keeps kissing that spot knowing the effect it has in me. Another soft moan escapes my lips.

He starts to unclasp my bra. And I allow it. Soon my bra was on the floor and I was exposed. But I feel safe. I feel safe with him.

Soon Jax pulls down his underwear and my own. He inserts his large self into me. He begins to thrust. I can't help but moan his name, but that only makes him go faster. He eventually stops and exits.

We moved under my bed covers because we were exhausted. I could barely move my thighs anywhere near each other without winching in pain. "How was it?" I could barely breathe I was so exhausted. "It w-was amazing. How about for y-you?" "Incredible. Even more so now that you're my girlfriend." He winks.

Jax puts his arm around me and pulls me close. I put my small hand on his large and muscular chest. We fall asleep like this. This is heaven. Jax is heaven. I love my life.

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