One: New Girl

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My mother and I moved to Omaha after my father left. We live in a little one story cottage. My mother works as an accountant, so we don't make much money, but it's enough for us. She's been getting better recently, about the drinking. She's goes to AA classes twice a week and it seems to really be helping her.

I awake on Monday morning to the sound of my alarm clock going off. First day of School in Omaha. The day I've been dreading since we moved.

I get out of bed and head into the bathroom. I jump into a warm shower. I like to sing in the shower, a lot. I might not be to good, but Mack always said I was great. Music has kind of always been my escape, ever since Mack passed away.

I go back into my bedroom and pick out an outfit. I decided to choose a pair of black ripped jeans and a black top, with a black jacket to match. I leave my hair down and blow dry it. I decide to put on some makeup too. The casual everyday winged eyeliner should do. I know what you're thinking:omg this bitch is such an goth girl. Well maybe I am. But I like it so shut the fuck up. K thanks. :)

I head to the kitchen for breakfast. I grab an apple and begin eating it. While doing so, I look over my schedule once more:

Welcome to Omaha Central HighSchool
Classes start at 8:15am. Most students arrive around 7:45am.
Locker number: 484
Combination: 6996
1st: AP English
2nd: AP Literature
3rd: Calculus
4th: Biology
5th: Lunch
6th: Free Period
7th: AP Geography
8th: Gym Class

....Well at least I have gym last. I have to get going then if I want to be on time. I go outside with my bag and schedule in hand. I step into my car, type the schools address since I have no idea where I'm going, and get to driving. I arrive in about 10minutes.

The school itself is actually really pretty. The brick building is two stories tall and plastered with windows. There's a fountain in front of the main walkway where some kids are sitting. I take a seat at one of the benches and look over my schedule again.  I look at my watch. 7:42am. I guess I should head in and find my locker so I don't get run over by other kids.

I walk in holding my schedule looking like a complete idiot. I'm looking for my locker when I bump into somebody. Somebody tall, like at least 6'7". I look up to see him already looking at me. He was beautiful. Dark black hair and bright green eyes. A jawline that could cut somebody. His tight shirt complemented his Greek God like abs. His lip piercing and leather jacket gave him a "bad boy" look. I also noticed an arm tattoo peeking itself from beneath his arm sleeve. He was most definitely attractive.

His deep voice sealed the fact I am indeed attracted. "Hey are you alright? You seem lost." "Yea I'm alright. I'm just looking for my locker." "I can help you with that." He looks down at my schedule and leads me to my locker. "Well would you look at that. My locker is next to yours." "That's a convenience." I say with a chuckle. The deep voice speaks again, "I'm Jax by the way." "I'm Madison." I say, putting in the combination for my locker. I could tell he was scanning me up and down. By the way he bit his lip, I could tell Jax liked what he saw. Just then the bell rang. "Well that's my cue. I'll see you later Tiny." Tiny?! I come up with my nickname on the fly. "Bye giant!" I say waving back to him like a dork. But he smiles and goes into his class.

I finally find my AP English and manage to get there on time. I take a seat next to a nice looking girl and look down at my iPhone. 8:17. Then I hear a loud and obnoxious voice from my right. "Hey new girl! I'm Olive" I turn to see a beautiful deep-skinned girl with bright green eyes. I guess that's why her parents named her Olive. "I'm Madison." "It's nice to meet you Madison. Want to sit with me and my friends at lunch today?" "Sure." I answer back.

And then in walks a mean looking old lady with grey hair and wrinkled face. She speaks like she's been smoking for 400years. "Alright class. Open your books to page 43 and start reading until you get to page 47. And then come get this worksheet." She sits down in her chair and starts to read. And then she says, "And anybody who talks, will be given detention!!" I didn't want to get detention on my very first day, so I just did what the smoker said.

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