Nine: Life After

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Hey reader! Long time no see! A lot has happened since last time.
Jax and I are now seniors at Boston College. We moved in with each other for college. We have a cute little apartment together in the heart of Boston. We've been going out once a week every week. Im truly in love with him.
Jax and I are studying to be FBI profilers. I've always been fascinated with profiling and how they're able to put together how the person acts just by looking at the murders they've committed. Jax on the other hand, is just as interested in that side, but he also really wants to learn how to shoot a gun. And beat some criminal ass.
Olive And Amanda went to Virginia Tech together to become technologically advanced. Last fall Amanda proposed and they're getting married once they get out of college. Jax and I are super happy for them.

I'm happy with Jax, but ever since that incident with Chris, everything seems to...quiet. Last time everything was this normal I got thrown into the floor. But that could just be the anxiety talking.

Today is our 5 year anniversary. Every year we always make sure to go back to the spot of our first date. Back in Omaha. It's always a picnic at our spot with an amazing dinner.  This year is no different. We're already in our way to the spot now.

It's always the same, but that's what I love. I love that there's a special thing we get to do every year. Just for us.

We arrive and by now Jax doesn't have to lead me to the spot I've been here so many times. I find a new scene this year. Same picnic basket and same blanket. But this year there are lanterns and rose petals surrounding it. And there's one candle in the center of the blanket. "Oh Jax! It's beautiful!" Jax sends me a smile.

We sit down on the blanket. We begin to eat just like always. And by the end, we exchange gifts. I go first. We alternate every year for who goes first.  I pull out a small wrapped box. Jax takes the box from me anticipating the surprise. He rips off the wrapping paper and throws it to the side. He opens the box and his eyes widen. Inside, is a small key necklace and on the back engraved is J + M. I speak while he's admiring the gift. "The key is supposed to symbolize the fact that you will always have the key to my heart." Jax looks up. He then takes it out of the box and puts it on. "I love it." He says while holding it. "But I think you'll like my gift more." I smell some competition in the air. "Oh yea? So me what you got."

Jax takes out a small box from his pocket and hands it to me. I open it and inside is the most beautiful diamond ring I've ever seen. It's no ordinary ring, however. It's a black diamond. He knows how much I love black diamonds.
I then notice Jax is kneeling on one knee next to me. He takes the box from me and holds it while saying, "Madison Barnes. You are the love of my life. I never thought I was capable of love until you showed up in my life. I was cold and harsh. And you opened my eyes to love. And for that I'm forever thankful." He takes a deep breath. I'm near tears.
"I promise to protect you with my life until the day I die. I promise to make you laugh and smile." He takes another deep breath. "I'm not really good with emotions. But you make me happy..because this is the best I've felt..ever. My family was never there for me..but you were. Ever since I first met you." A tear rolls down my cheek. "Ok so I'm just gonna get on with it....I don't want the happiness to end. Will-Will you marry me?" I didn't even hesitate with my answer. "Of course I will!" I immediately threw my arms around him. And I break into tears of happiness. Soon we pulled away and I admire the ring as he places it on my finger. This is a moment of pure bliss. Pure happiness. I've never been this happy in my life.

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