Jack and Nyla

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Damian's pov

I grabbed the female's wrist and attempted to flip her over. But she had a strong, firm grip. "Quit moving it's no use." She said flatly. I glared.

"HEY JACK@SS! Get your actual @ss over here!" She hollered. A second voice joined her.

"I told you to stop calling me that." I opened my eyes to see a blond girl who was pinning me up to the wall and a brunette standing beside her. The brunette glared.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" He said. The blond rolled her eyes.

"This ain't a movie you idiot." She responded. I kicked her in the stomach and she doubled over a bit. The boy's eyes flashed with anger.

"You'll regret that." He muttered. He quickly grabbed a bow and arrow from out of nowhere and began shooting at me. I jumped around and dodged all the arrows. I almost forgot about the girl. Key word almost. She sprung up behind me and started to swing her katana. Okay. This is going great. Now I have to deal with them both. I think if I knock out one of them then the other shouldn't be too hard on th-

My thoughts were interrupted by a sharp pain in my neck. I quickly pulled out what seemed to be a miniature arrow. It now has some of my blood caked on it. Crap. I thought. I struggled to regain balance as my vision grew fuzzy. I used the last of my strength to try to lunge at the girl, but failed. I blacked out a second later.

Jack's pov

I lowered my bow when the kid fell over. My blond friend, Nyla walked up to me.

"Nice shot Jack@ss." She complimented. I rolled my eyes.

"Stop calling me that name."

"I do what I want."

"Yeah no kidding."

She growled a bit at me and stepped closer to the boy. She carefully flipped him over so he lay on his back now. She peeled the domino mask off his face to reveal his closed eyes. I knelt down beside her and checked his pulse.

"Pulse is still going strong."


"Back to the place?"

"No, to the, sugarplum fairy's castle." Nyla said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes.

"You do that too much I promise you your eyes will get stuck in the back of your head, Jack." I glared at her. She glared back.

"Okay. Let's get our new 'friend' back to the place." I sighed. She nodded and we brought the boy back to our place. It was small. Just four rooms. Two bedrooms, a main area with a kitchen, two couches, a small area set aside for training and a desk. And the last room was a bathroom.

I sat the boy down in the chair and Nyla strapped him to it with some rope.

"Now what?" She asked.

"We wait." I answered, picking up a throwing star. She groaned as I aimed it at the target.

"I hate waiting." She mumbled.

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