Make Us Proud Jackson Parks

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3rd person pov 

As Jason, Jack, Nyla and Damian ran out the back door, it was clear that the odd were against them. Dozens of assassins came flooding in after them. 

Black would occasionally dance in Damian's vision. The small boy had lost a lot of blood and was stumbling every so offten. 

 "J-Jason..." Damian whispered. Jason slowed his pace so he ran beside the boy. 

 " S***. Hey kids, Damian's losing concenceness! " Jason shout at Jack and Nyla, not knowing their names. 

 "Frick. Nyla, now what?" Jack asked his best friend. Nyla glanced around franticly, fearing that they wouldn't make it out alive. 

 "I- uh, uh, frick-" Nyla and Jack heard a thud behind them as Damian fell to the floor. Jason stopped imedeatly.

 "Damian! Damian! F***! Damian wake up!" Jason shook the young assassin's shoulders. But Damian's eyes remained closed. 

 Nyla glanced around and saw green light flowing from a doorway. Her blue irises lit up. "Jack! The Lazarus pit!" She shouted. Now Jack's green eyes lit up. 

 He pivoted and whispered something to Jason who nodded. Nyla stepped closer to them. 

 "Jack take Damian, I'll help Jason, he needs a dip too." Nyla informed her green-eyed bestie. Jack nodded and picked up Damian bridal style. He raced to the glowing doorway and disappeared inside. 

Nyla had Jason lean on her as assassins came rushing after them. 

 "Who are you guys? And how do you know Damian?" Jason panted. Nyla struggled the smallest bit under his weight. 

 "Long story. But I'm Nyla and the brunette boy is Jack. And trust me, we're here to help." 

Jack's pov

"In and out. In and out. Just keep breathing Damian. " I muttered as I raced down the steps. Damian's breaths were quick and shallow but, still there. "I just need you to keep breathing." I reached the bottom of the stairs and before me was the glowing pool itself. 

 "The Lazarus Pits." I mumbled. I had never seen it before, let alone used it. I walked over to it and hesitated. 

I glanced down at Damian. Why are me and Ny doing this? I wondered. Damian's face was pale and cut up. There was a long scratch with blood caked on it down the side of his face. My face paled. 


 "Daddy! Mommy! Please don't leave me!" I pleaded. I squeezed my father's hand and mother's hand in the other. 

" Jack... " my father gasped. I stared at him. I tried not to look at a huge scratch down the side of his face. "Please, protect yourself.-" 

"And use what we've taught you. Never hold back from family." My mother whispered. 

 "We may be assassins, but never hurt family. I love you Jackson..." My father closed his eyes and his breathing came to a stop. Tears streamed down my face. 

"...make us proud Jackson Parks..." My mother's breathing came to a stop. I let go of their hands and stood. 

 "I w-will mom and d-dad. I'll make y-you proud. Good-dbye." I whispered so soft I could barely hear myself. I ran away from their bodies and heard screaming. 

"MOM! DAD!" someone screamed. I raced around the corner to see a little girl, smaller than me with blonde hair and blue eyes. She looked around my age, which would be seven. 

 " Hello? " I stepped closer to her. She whipped her head to look at me. Without a warning, she hugged me tightly. 

 "I-is you-r fami-ily gone t-too?" She quivered. 

 " Yeah... " 

 "Will you stay with me?" The girl stared into my eyes.  Never hold back from family. My mother's words echoed in my mind. 

 "Yes." I didn't even know her name but something felt right. "Yes I'll stay. My name's Jackson Parks, you can call me Jack. What's yours?" 

 " Nyla Jones. " 

~Flashback Ends~ 

My father and mother's faces continued to replay in my mind. I stared down at Damian's almost lifeless face. 

 "Never hold back from family." I whispered. I took a breath in and set a foot in the glowing pool. Then another. "Holy crow that burns!" I gritted my teeth and went in up to my ribcage. 

I let go of Damian and he floated into the pool. Then he sunk down. After a few seconds, he burst out of the pool, letting out a cry of agony. 

I grabbed his shoulders and steadied him. Panic flickered across his face. 

"Damian, cool it..." I stared into his green eyes.

" G-got it. " he answered. I helped him out of the pool and heard Jason and Nyla behind us. Me and Damian turned. 

 "Jason!" Damian exlaimed. Relief seemed to wash over Jason as he glanced at his now healed brother. I helped Nyla lower Jason into the Lazarus Pit before stepping back. 

Like Damian, Jason burst out of the water, letting out a cry of agony. We brought him over to Damian who threw himself around Jason. I smiled slightly at the moment. It quickly faded when assassins streamed down the stairs and charged at us. 

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