Vientiuno - Reunion

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Psalm sat on her seat and wore her headphones...

Kurt turned towards her to check on her... She is not fond of flying.

Kurt: You good?

Psalm: Yeah...

Kurt: You sure?

Psalm: Uh huh...

Kurt: You look extra nervous though...

Psalm: It's the plane... you know I'm not a fan of this...

Kurt: Really? It doesn't seem like its because of the plane...

Psalm: Okay fine... I'm very nervous! It's been a year since the last time I saw them... What if a lot has changed?!

Kurt: Oh come on... you know that Sid and Ty will never change hahaha

Psalm: Ewan ko sa'yo...

Kurt: Hala nagtatagalog siya...

Psalm: Hmmphhh

Kurt: Punta muna ako sa restroom...

Psalm: Alright!

Psalm opened her phone and checked if Mark replied to her message.

Psalm: I think he's still asleep...

She turned to her side and closed her eyes.

It'll be long flight.


It's freezing outside... and Tyler has not sent me a single message of where he is right now. We're supposed to fetch Psalm and Kurt this evening and I'm not even ready yet...

 We're supposed to fetch Psalm and Kurt this evening and I'm not even ready yet

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I look like crap.

*someone hugged her behind her back*

Jasper: Hey babe~

*sidney quickly turned around and gave him a peck on the lips*

Jasper: I thought you had plans today?

Sidney: Yeah, but I cannot reach Tyler...

Jasper: I can go with you if you want...

Hmmmm, I guess he can go.

I need to explain things to Psalm first because she does not know a single thing about Jasper and me.

It is a little complicated though... because things went really fast between us... and I'm not even sure if he is really the right person for me... but life is all about taking risks anyway, so why not give it a try.

Jasper is a Law Student and I am just a struggling girl studying Education... well, not really. I enjoy my course but it most of the time it hates me. Sometimes, I do think if it is really my calling in life...but whatever. Jasper on the other hand, has a mutual understanding with his field. He is an excellent student despite the fact that his course is difficult.

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