This could most likely be the biggest mistake Ave had ever made in his life. Actually, it probably was. And you know what they say about mistakes.

You learn from them.

And then they become a perfect mistake. So far, Liam was becoming what was most likely Ave's perfect mistake. He would soon learn that weed was... Well, it was good, but...not. And he would learn that skipping school gave you opportunities, but also took some away.

The only thing he found familiar was that Liam was an entirely different ballpark, no pros or cons.

Although, with almost every upside he was finding as he stepped into the house, he was finding a downside. And, man, did that really suck. Imagine having to accept the fact that with every good thing is also a bad thing. It was not something Ave was used to.

"Home," Liam said as he easily kicked off his shoes inside, stepping through the doorway. "It's where the heart is." Ave simply walked into the house, hands in his pockets, just waiting for something to bite him in the ass. Mostly, he was just worried about Liam betraying him.

"Okay...," he replied slowly, not really sure what Liam was supposed to mean about where the 'heart' was. It didn't look much like a home. It looked more like there was hardly any point in trying to make it a home.

"Let's go t'my room," Liam said, nodding to the hallway. Ave followed him through the second door on the left, watching him fall down onto the bed. At least, he assumed it was a bed.

Liam's room was more...practical than anything. Everything seemed within arm's reach of the mattress. At least, everything that seemed important to him. Everything else looked far less used. Not to mention the walls were absolutely covered in posters. Ave was sure he hadn't ever seen this many in one place.

A guitar lay in the corner, unused, as if he was given it, and then never touched it after he put it there. Like Liam, the room was insane. But manageable.

"Gonna sit down, or...," Liam said suddenly, and Ave snapped from glancing around. Ave nodded and sat down on the bed. A TV was set up at the foot of the bed. "Wanna play some Super Nintendo?" Ave shrugged indifferently. He was honestly wondering why Liam didn't bother to get the N64. "Alright, well, what d'you wanna do?"

"I don't know," Ave replied with a sigh. "What is there to do?" Liam clicked his tongue for a moment, then snapped his fingers and went to hang off the side of his bed. Ave watched as Liam's mane of hair hung upside down, his hands searching for something that seemed to become increasingly more important by the second. "What're you looking for?"

"Uh...," Liam's muffled voice came back, "Ah! This. I forgot about it." Liam pulled himself back up and held a box in his hands. "You ever smoke before?" Ave only just then remembered why he was at Liam's house. Liam wanted him to hang out and get high, skipping school simultaneously. Ave only just then regret defying his teacher.

Ave, only just then, realised what an absolute fucking idiot he was.

"I...don't...," Ave decided to say, knowing full well that his statement wouldn't cut through whatever deft plan Liam was devising.

"Man, I'm messin' with you," Liam laughed suddenly, pushing Ave as he did so. "I know you don't. 's alright, this'll serve as the test run." Ave simply watched as Liam opened the box, then a bag, then another bag, and laid it all out on the nearby desk. From this angle, Ave couldn't quite see what Liam was doing, but he assumed some crushing and rolling was happening.

God, was he really doing this? He was going to smoke weed with a guy he didn't really know, and then he was going to be high. He'd already skipped class, then went somewhere unfamiliar. He still had cigarettes in his pocket, and he'd never even tried those. He didn't know what he was doing.

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