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 Ave, understandably, didn't go back home. He stayed in that hospital room for weeks, on his own request. He was wholly afraid to even open his eyes most days. His mom came to see him. The doctors and nurses checked on him constantly. He just stayed in bed for nearly a month. The only way he was going to be kicked out of the room was if he showed any signs of getting better.

Yeah. That wasn't happening. The only signs he showed was him getting worse. Soon, he would be admitted to a mental institution, away from people, tied up so his mind couldn't control his body. Given more and more pills, given more and more therapy, given everything he would need and yet he knew it would make no difference. He'd be no different let loose compared to being locked up. But he'd rather be locked up than let loose. At least then, he'd be able to let his mind kill him in peace.

He could never pinpoint when his mind started to turn against him. Not when his dad died, he knew that much. Not when he started to take medication. Not when he changed his outlook on life. He couldn't find a single reason for his mind to be so fucked up. That was what probably made his whole life seem unfair.

He missed his dad. He missed the remarks and the jokes and the love and the TV and the dinner and... Jesus Christ, he missed him. Fuck, he missed him so much, why did he miss him so much now? What was the reason for that?

Was it because he thought he had been talking to him? Was it just that time of the year, what the fuck was it? Was he even more fucking messed up than before? Fuck, he missed him.

He missed him so much. He missed him so fucking much. He missed him so fucking much.

So fucking much, he missed him.

"Dad, I miss you. I miss you, I miss you, I love you, I fucking miss you."

He missed him so fucking much.

"I miss you so fucking much. I miss you!"

"Dad, I miss you so much."

"Dad, come back."

"Dad, I love you, I miss you, come back."

"Dad, please."

"Liam, please. I miss you. Liam come back, I miss you."

"Just come back."

Please, just come back. Come back, please. I miss you. Come back, just come back. I love you, I miss you. Come back. Please.

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