Chapter 1

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Ebony looked up at the tall building in front of her. It was right in the heart of downtown, and looking at the people who were coming and going from the lobby, was a place for the rich to live.

At 26, Ebony wasn't rich, or famous, any anyone notable, she was just plain and ordinary. Unless you were talking to her five year old son, Jacob, who thought she had hung the moon in the sky, Ebony thought she was pretty boring.

Well, putting it off isn't going to make it go faster. Ebony thought, turning to her son and taking his hand.

"Remember what we do when mummy goes inside?" She asked him.

"I stay quiet, say hello when asked, and don't make a mess," He replied confidently.

Ebony hoped that those instructions would be followed to the letter, as this was her one big chance to get a job here. As an assistant to a lawyer who took her for granted, and being the only adult in the house, Ebony hoped this job meant that she could afford everything she wanted for her son.

Provided her interviewer and hopefully future boss, Mr. Fellows, didn't mind if she had brought her child along with her. After all, the job was for a nanny.

Ebony and Jacob walked into the huge building, and moved towards the reception desk.

"Hello. My name is Ebony Howard, and I'm here for an interview with Mr. Alexander Fellows."

"One moment please Miss." The receptionist said, looking her up and down as if something wasn't right.

Ebony glanced around the lobby as he made a call.

"I'm sorry miss, but he says to tell you that his daughter, Dakoda, is throwing a tantrum, and will be unable to meet with you as promised."

Ebony looked, down, fighting tears. What if this was a test? She couldn't just walk out of here, especially if the girl was upset, and, as the hopeful new nanny, she was going to have to deal with this behaviour sooner or later.

"Would you please tell him I'll be right up?" Ebony asked, looking straight at the receptionist. "Me and my son." Jacob stood on tiptoes and waved at the started man.

"Certainly miss. Second elevator, top floor. Here is a key card to allow you access." He handed her a small white plastic card with the building logo on it Paradise Living.

On the ride up to the top floor, Ebony went over the rules with Jacob one more time, imploring him to behave.

Upon arriving at the top floor, Ebony stepped out of the elevator with Jacob and looked around her in wonder. The windows were all glass, giving a great view over the city, the furniture was tasteful, yet a bit bland for what she would have chosen, and there were no toys anywhere. It looked like a model home, not one that a child lived in. Poor girl, no wonder she rebelled and threw a tantrum.

Just as she had that thought, someone called out; "Don't let her into the elevator!" and Ebony reached out and grabbed the child running towards her at full speed, catching her just before she reached the elevator.

The child looked at her in surprise, stopped crying for a moment, allowing Ebony to see the blue eyes, perfectly styled blond hair, and designer dress with matching shoes, before stamping her foot hard down onto Ebony's foot, and whirling away to run somewhere else in the house.

Unfortunately, with bending down to see to her now throbbing foot, Ebony failed to see the girls dad slip on the floor and come sliding towards her and slamming into her legs, and sending her sprawling on top of him.

Jacob looked down at her mother curiously. "Why do you get to do that but I can't?" He asked seriously, "Sliding on this floor looks like fun." And with horror, Ebony realised Jacob was talking to the man currently pinned underneath her.

"I'm so sorry!" She gushed, scrambling to get off him and let him up, "I didn't see you coming, or I would have moved out of the way!"

"No need to apologise." He snapped, standing up, "All you did was crush me and knock the breath out of me. You must be Ebony, though no one said anything about the child." He looked wearily down at Jacob. "If he doesn't make much noise or mess, he is free to stay. You catch my daughter and calm her down before we leave in half an hour, and you have the job. Catch her and get the job, I hope you can start immediately, as we need to be at a society function in an hour, and I can't leave her here alone by herself."

Ebony looked stunned at the man, wondering why he was in such a bad mood. "Yes Sir. Her name is Dakoda?"

He looked up at her. "Yes, yes." He muttered, "What was your last name again?"

It appeared he was forgetful as well, probably another thing she'd have to do if she got the job. "Ebony Howard. This is my son Jacob." Jacob smiled and waved at the man.

"No husband? You realise this is a live-in arrangement." He pointed out.

"No husband, and yes, I know." Ebony replied. "I did say I had a son when I went through the initial interviews."

"No one bothered to pass that on to me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go and get ready." He stalked off, leaving Ebony to grab Jacob's hand and follow the sound of crying to find Dakoda.

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