Chapter 2

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"Hello Dakoda." Ebony said, going into what was obviously the girl's bedroom, leaving Jacob outside with instructions not to move. "I'm Ebony."

"Go away!" the girl cried, throwing a pink pillow at her, "I don't want another nanny!"

Ebony looked at her, eyes streaming, nose running, and her pretty pink dress with grubby stains all over it. She only looked to be about 5 or 6 years old. "How about a friend?" She tried.

"No! Leave me alone!" she threw another pillow, this one going wide, "I don't want to do anything!"

"I understand that," Ebony said, coming over and sitting next to her on the bed, "I don't want to do things sometimes too."

"You don't?" Dakoda asked, sitting up straighter, "Why not?"

"Sometimes I'm tired, sometimes I didn't get enough sleep, sometimes I just want to stay home and not do anything at all. But I have to, because of my son Jacob." Ebony said, looking down at Dakoda.

"You have a son?" She asked, "Where is he?"

"He's waiting outside." Ebony said, "I said I wanted to speak to you first, then he could meet you."

"What if I don't want to meet him?" Dakoda said, crossing her arms over her chest, "What if I never want to meet anybody ever again?"

"That would be a pity." Ebony said mildly, "I was going to ask your dad if we could all go to the park tomorrow and meet some new friends."

"We're going to the park?" Dakoda said in wonder, "I've never been to a park."

"I said I was going to ask." Ebony said gently, "I didn't say I had."

"If I go to the thing tonight, will you ask?" She said, all trace of tears gone.

"Yes. But we need to change your clothes." Ebony said gently.

"Ok." Dakoda happily scampered off the set of double doors opposite her bed, and pulled them open with a grunt, "Want to help me pick a dress?"

"Sure." Ebony said, getting up off the bed and going over for a look.

The girl had more clothes than Ebony did, and that was just in her dresses, not to mention the draws that Ebony could see were over flowing with clothing as well.

"You have lots of pretty dresses." Ebony said, stunned, "What colour did you want to wear?"

"You're letting me choose?" Dakoda said with a gasp, "I never get to choose!" She clapped her hands.

"Let's just start with a colour." Ebony said with a laugh, not showing just how astonished she was at how sheltered Dakoda had been her whole life.

"Green." Dakoda said after a minute, looking at her dresses, "How about this one?" She pulled a bright spring green dress from the rail. It had full sleeves, which was good for the weather, it hung down to her knees, with a bit of lace around the bottom, and had flower patterns just above the lace. Ebony thought it was a good choice, and told Dakoda to go and get some white stockings, and a pair of white shoes to go with it. Dakoda happily scampered off to get the requested items, while Ebony closed the closet and took the dress over to the bed.

After helping Dakoda into her new dress, she asked if Dakoda had had an afternoon snack, since she heard a loud tummy rumble while helping her get dressed.

"Nope." Came the answer, "Nanny said I wasn't allowed any food 'till we got to the event with daddy."

"Well, how about a quick snack?" Ebony asked, "Something to keep your tummy happy while you wait for food at this event?"

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