Chapter 6

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Dakoda's Rehearsal ball dress, but adult sized

By the end of the next week, Ebony had her living situation all worked out, Jacob was settled in his new room, and his toys were all set up, though he mostly played in Dakoda's play room with her, and Alex had set up all the accounts, and managed to get her card access in less than a week. She now had enough money to keep buying food every few days, getting Dakoda used to the idea that this was where all her food came from, and taught her how to make simple things with Jacob.

She was also shopping for a nice bookshelf for Dakoda, which Dakoda was adamant she chose herself, so they spent much of the next weekend shopping for a nice bookshelf for her. She finally chose a white one, which she said she wanted painted pink, and Ebony simply told her to see how it went in her room first, then they could negotiate about the colour. Dakoda was happy about this, while Ebony started planning how to keep the determined 5-year-old from painting the thing pink.

Jacob had become used to the new routine, and Dakoda was now happy talking about her new 'brother' when she went to school and saw her friends there. Both children hadn't started asking why they went to different schools yet, and Ebony was at a loss to answer when they finally did. They had started thinking of each other as siblings, and Ebony and Alex were happy with this, as it meant they were getting along, and the rare days Alex came home early, he didn't have to deal with some of the tantrums she had to before he got there.

Alex continued to come home, tuck into his dinner, and go to his office for a few hours, coming up to bed after Ebony had fallen asleep. He often came down, grabbed a cup of coffee, asked how the children were going, quickly ate a plate of food, and ran for the office. She rarely saw him as the weeks went by, and she had a feeling he preferred it that way, though she would have been happier if he had tried to come home more often to spend time with his daughter.

After she had been there for a few months, Alex came home one weekend, and said that all four of them were going to a ball the following month, which sent Dakoda and Jacob off, happily yelling about what they would wear, and shouting each other down when they tired to tell each other what to wear.

As for Ebony, she simply looked at him in astonishment.

"A ball? I have no idea what to do at a ball, and nothing to wear." She said, looking at him as he ate his dinner, ignoring the children from the playroom that they had run too as soon as he broke the news.

"You'll be fine." Alex said between bites, not looking at her. "They want to prepare for something called 'A Child's Choice'." Seeing her confused look, he elaborated, "It's something new they're trying, and it's going to be held shortly before Christmas. They want to raise money for a children's cause, I forget which one." Ebony snorted, not at all surprised. He only seemed to remember facts about business.

"Anyway," he continued, scowling at her, "They want to try the concept first, because they want to invite children to it, and want to see how it will go."

"Smart of them." She muttered.

"They are holding several events where children can come over the following months, to observe the behaviour of the children, and to see what they will eat, and be most likely to break. Children of Dakoda and Jacob's age are going to be at the one we're going to, and I'd like you to come to help me keep an eye on them."

"Why take Jacob too?" She asked, stunned.

"Because he's on the invite?" Alex asked, pulling a piece of paper out of his pocket. "I asked that too. Apparently, Dakoda is telling everyone that he is her brother, so they put him on the invite as well." He handed the invite to her.

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