Chapter 7

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Ebony's Dress

The day of the ball, Dakoda and Jacob were so excited, that Ebony had a hard time trying to get them to sit still. They did things like baking, and going for a quick run to the park, and walking around the block, just so Ebony could get them to sit still when it came time to get ready. The night before, the two dresses and the jewellery had arrived, along with the suits for the boys, and Dakoda and Jacob had been very excited to finally wear their new things. Alex had been very secretive about the dresses, and neither of the girls had seen theirs.

Ebony just hoped hers wasn't something embarrassing.

When it came time to get ready, Alex, who had stayed home that day, took Jacob off to get ready, claiming he was going to show him all about how men got ready for events like this. Which consisted of half an hour of watching TV before going to get ready, to give the women a head start. Jacob thought this was very funny, and kept giggling to himself.

Ebony took Dakoda off to get ready, and Dakoda was so eager to find out what was in her dress box, she almost ripped the poor box to pieces trying to get her dress. In the end, Ebony took the box and opened it, revealing a child sized version of the blue dress Dakoda had wanted, and she squealed in delight, jumping up and down.

Ebony made sure she did Dakoda's hair, and put a small amount of makeup on her, some eye shadow, and some lip gloss, before carefully getting Dakoda into the dress. She then sat Dakoda on the bed, telling her to be very careful, and opened her own dress box.

They both gasped when they saw the pale blue dress Ebony had tried on in the store, and Ebony carefully took it out, and held it up for Dakoda to look at.

"It's beautiful!" Dakoda whispered, mouth open, "Put it on! Put it on! Put it on!" She cried, bouncing on the bed. Ebony smiled at her enthusiasm, and went off to do her hair and makeup. Styling it in the same way she had Dakoda's, a simple ballet bun with some sparkly pins, and some quick makeup, little more that what she had done for her young charge.

When she went to put the dress on, Dakoda was eager to help, and insisted she hold the back of the dress, and that she be allowed to zip it up. When the dress was zipped, Ebony and Dakoda walked proudly out to the living room, to find both boys snuggled up on the couch, a box in each of their laps.

"We're ready!" Dakoda yelled, startling both of them.

"So I see." Alex said, getting up and coming over. "You both look beautiful." Dakoda beamed up at him, and Ebony smiled.

Jacob got off the couch and hurried over too, "You look like a princess mummy!" He said, stopping in front of her. "Alex said to give you this." He held out the box he was holding, and Ebony reached down to take it, opening it as she did. Inside was the most beautiful necklace she had ever seen. It looked like lacework, with small blue gems sewn throughout it. She picked it in, looking at it in wonder.

"Here." Alex said, coming over, putting the box he was holding into his pocket. He took the necklace from her, and slid it around her neck, fastening it up. Ebony could feel his breath on the back of her neck, and his fingers brushing against her, making her shiver. When he stepped back, she walked over to the mirror next to the elevator, and gasped. The necklace finished the dress, almost like it was made for it. She loved it.

"Do you like it mummy?" Jacob asked, coming to stand next to her.

"Yes." Ebony whispered, bringing a hand up to brush the necklace. "It's wonderful."

"Glad you like it." Alex said. Ebony turned to watch him bring out the box he had been holding, and gave it to Dakoda. "Here Dakoda."

She opened her box and squealed in delight. Ebony watched as Alex took this necklace out of the box and put it on his daughter, who raced over to stand next to Ebony, admiring herself in the mirror.

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