Chapter 8

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The necklace worn by Dakoda to the real ball

When they received the invitations to the ball, the children were ecstatic, especially when they learned that they could choose the outfits their parents went in. Jacob was excited to see his mum dressed up like 'a real princess' again, and Dakoda wasn't sure what she would dress her dad in, but each day she came up with a new suggestion.

One night after talking it over, Alex kissed Ebony again. He found her kiss was the only one he had enjoyed in the last few months, and realised after kissing her, and she had again rebuffed him, that he loved her.

He spent more time than ever at home, which his daughter loved, and Ebony seemed to have a hard time with.

Ebony, meanwhile, had discovered that she was in love with Alex, and wasn't sure what to do about it. He seemed to be home all the time now, and it was making it hard for her to stay away from him. He seemed so loving and caring with both children, and he even went out of his way to celebrate that Ebony had been working for them for a year already.

When he bought it up, Ebony was shocked. She'd had no idea that she had been there that long. Both children were due to start the new year of school soon, and both were excited about going shopping for their clothes. Ebony was still glad she hadn't been asked why they both went to different schools. She thought Jacob understood, and that it was something he was okay with, but Dakoda hadn't seemed to notice. Ebony thought she just assumed he went to another school like hers.

One night after watching several movies with the children, Alex stopped her as she went to get up and put the dishes away.

"What do you think Ebony?" Alex asked, looking up at her from the couch where he was snuggled up with Dakoda and Jacob. "Do you want to go with me to the ball?"

"I'm not exactly sure that's proper Alex. I'm the nanny, and people might take it the wrong way. I couldn't do that to you, or our children." Ebony said softly.

Alex looked down at the children and smiled. He liked the idea of them being theirs. Jacob already felt like his own son, even though he had known him a little over a year. Now, if only he could get the boys mother to do anything romantic with him and give him a chance to see her was in earnest about her.

"I'll need you along to help look after Dakoda, and Jacob is invited too. I'd like you to come." He grinned up at her and her heart flipped over. He couldn't know what he did to her, and he certainly wasn't going to win her over with his charming smiles.

"Even if I do come, I don't have anything to wear. I don't have another dress" She grinned up at shyly.

"I shudder to think about what my daughter will choose to send me in." Alex admitted.

"Jacob will be picking my outfit." Ebony laughed, "He doesn't know anything about women's clothing, and I'd like to keep it that way for a while."

"Well, he can come dress shopping with me and Dakoda tomorrow, and you can have a whole day off!" Alex said enthusiastically, "I was planning on going with Dakoda as a surprise, but I can take Jacob along too, and your dress shall be a surprise. I'll swear them both to secrecy, and dare them not to tell you. They'll love the secret."

"That they will, the rascals." Ebony said, "But you don't know my sizes."

"I'll have someone come over and measure you after we pick you out a dress, so they can make sure it fits exactly right." Alex said, dismissing her concern. "Come, help me put these two to bed, they have a busy day tomorrow."

"Are you sure you want me along as your partner?" she asked, worried, as they carried the two children to bed.

"I want you to come along." He said, disappearing into Dakoda's room with her. He was waiting out in the corridor when she came out of Jacob's room.

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