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hey! it's me, being active in this account for the first time!

i found this on instagram and i had to share

i found this on instagram and i had to share

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the big difference between them.

lemons risked his life multiple times to make sure that the baudelaire's stories would be published, and before and after the schism, he was on the side that put out the fires (i. e. the good side).

and he didn't only lose beatrice: he lost both of his siblings and every one of his friends. but he didn't let that stop him; he still worked to tell the baudelaire's stories, and he did it beautifully. he also wrote poems to beatrice (violet, klaus and sunny's mother and the woman he loved), even though they were a little morbid.

"To Beatrice-
darling, dearest, dead."

"To Beatrice-
Our love broke my heart,
and stopped yours."

"To Beatrice-
Dead women tell no tales.
Sad men write them down"

and many others.

lemony's love was "i love you, but i understand that you're happier with another person, and i respect that. i want you to be a
happy, even though it means i'll be miserable."

he kept such a good relationship w beatrice that she even considered naming violet after him.

snape did what? saved harry's life twice and bullied him and his friends endlessly without motive?he was a death eater (the equivalent of the side that lit the fires in asoue), and he hurt lily and her friends willingly. he knew what he was doing and he brushed it off as a silly joke. he didn't care about lily's happiness, he only cared if she was w him.

snape's "love" was "i love you, but i don't accept that you're happy with someone else. i don't care about your friends, family or general happiness, and i'm willing to let your son and husband be murdered just so you can live. i rather have you alive and miserable than dead."

the closest thing to a poem snape ever got was "always", in response to "dude u still obsessed w her even tho she hated u and never spoke to u again and didnt have any kind of feelings for u, not even friendship— specially after u called her the wizard n word, even after all this time?"

what kind of love would you rather have?


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