Ren Wu X Reader[My Marital Artist]

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Life was perfect,everything was perfect. The birds were singing and the sky was a beautiful crystal blue. I was walking to school were I would meet up with my boyfriend,[Boyfriend's name]. When I got to the front gate though,he wasn't there. "Strange." I mumbled softly as I walked inside the building. I headed straight to an abandoned classroom,another meeting spot of me and my boyfriend's. When I got there, I heard a giggle from inside. "What the?" I asked. I peaked in through the window and saw what I couldn't believe. [Boyfriend's name] and my bully,[Bully's name] were inside kissing!! [Bully's name]'s t-shirt was already on the ground and so was my boyfriend's. "What the hell [boyfriend's name]!!" I screamed as I stepped into the room. The boy and girl looked at me with fear in their eyes. "[Y/N],this is not what it looks like." [Boyfriend's name] said. "Oh really. Because to me,it looks like you were about to f**k another girl who isn't your girlfriend." I screamed at him. "You know what,we're through. Have fun with that b***h." With that I stormed out of the room and ran to the park. "I hope he's happy with that motherf**ker." I growled under my breath. I punched the air a couple of times before I tried to do a spinning back-kick. Rookie mistake on my part because I forgot that I had not mastered the move yet. I fell to the ground and just laid there with my eyes closed. "Oww that hurt." I mumbled. "Are you okay?" A voice asked me. I opened my eyes to see a boy standing there looking down at me with his hand extended. He was a young man with light brown hair tied into a waist-length braid,and dark blue eyes. The jacket he had on was blue with white sleeves,and yellow trim. He wore matching blue pants with white cuffs and boots that are dark blue. "Yes and thank you." I said as he helped me up off the ground. The boy smiled softly at me. "Is this what you were trying to do?" He asked as he backed up. Then,with simple ease,he did the spinning back-kick that I couldn't do. "Lucky." I whined. "I have been trying to master that for weeks." He smiled. "Call it years of practice." He said. "So you got a name?" I asked. He nodded softly and spoke. "My name is Ren Wu Sun." A soft smile graced my lips. "[Y/N][L/N]." I told him. "You know, I could teach you that move if you want me to. I'm trained in the way of marital arts." I smiled softly and nodded. For the rest of the day Ren Wu helped me learn how to fight and I finally mastered the back-kick. "You know you never told me why you were out here by yourself." Ren Wu said. "Oh! Well you see,I had caught my boyfriend making out with some other girl so we broke up." I said as I sat down on the grass to watch the sun set. "Well if you ask me." He said as he sat down beside me. "He doesn't know what he lost." I smiled softly as I picked at his braid. Ren Wu softly grasped my hand in his. "May I?" He whispered. "You may." I said as I blushed. He raised his hand and gently placed it on my cheek. I leaned in as he did the same. Our lips connected in a sweet and gentle kiss. We broke up,breathless, and smiled softly at one another. "I love you Ren Wu." I whispered. He smiled. "And I love you." He said gently.
~~"My marital artist"~~

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