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Attention to all furries out there,I need your help. Today in school,my best friend and sister,ashley71304 ,was brought to tears because of a furry hater. This boy,who began with calling us names,has became physical. He kicked us as we walked by in the cafeteria and hallways. We have tried to ignore it but it is time for the furries to fight back. It is your choose to be a furry and there is nothing you can do about it. To all furries,be who you are not what everyone wants you to be.
[Paradise Fears Battle Scars]
This is an anthem to the homesick
For the beaten
The lost, the broke, the defeated
A song for the heartsick
For the standby's
Living life in the shadow of a goodbye
Do you remember when we learned how to fly?
We play make believe
We were young and had time on our side
Your stuck on the ground
Got lost, can't be found
Just remember that your still alive
I'll carry you home
No your not alone
Keep marching on
This is worth fighting for
You know we've all got battle scars
You've had enough
But just don't give up
Stick to your guns
You are worth fighting for
You know we've all got battle scars
Keep marching on
[Love Wins by Carrie Underwood]
I, I believe you and me are sisters and brothers
And I, I believe we're made to be here for each other
And we'll never fall if we walk hand in hand
Put a world that seems broken together again
Yeah I, I believe in the end love wins
Thank you and to ashley71304 remember that you are perfect just the way you god made you. I know that for a fact,so don't let stupid boy get you down. We will get though this,like we always do,so stay strong sister and know that I am with you always and forever.
❤️❤️Please Help Us❤️❤️

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