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saturday 7:43 PM

unknown: hey, it's Trixie
unknown: from hell today lol


new contact: "pink"

pink: so we have to hang out
pink: when r u free

any weekday after 1 and before 6
fridays & sundays all day

pink: don't u have school

no, not after 1
i do half days

pink: why lol
pink: also ur name is Kate right?

it's Katya & i'd rather not say why
when are you free?

pink: wow you're so fun
pink: tomorrow at like 2? we can go to the mall

ok I'll meet you there

pink: cool name by the way

thanks, it's short for Yekaterina
it's Russian

pink: that's badass lowkey
pink: can u speak Russian?

yeah, and French too

pink: holy shit
pink: I can't even speak english

see you tomorrow Trixie


Trixie rolled her eyes as she put her phone down. Well that was a boring conversation, she thought. She tried to get Katya to laugh or respond in any interesting way. It didn't work. She feared Katya was going to be difficult to break into- but what's a girl without a good challenge, right?
Trixie wanted to dissect Katya completely. She wanted to know the girl inside and out. She wanted to gain her trust no matter what it took. And then she wanted to completely shatter her. But first, she would have to spend a lot of time getting to know the girl. And damn, Trixie was going to have to work on her patience with this one.

Katya told her mother about the conversation and her mother gave her a big hug.
"I am so proud of you, Yekaterina," she said. Her mother's accent was thick but Katya loves the way it sounded. She loved her mother more than anyone else. She was her best friend and was one of few people who stuck by her side after everything happened last summer.
Though every message was crafted with shaking fingers, each time she pressed "send" a wave of relief flooded over her. And now she had plans for tomorrow with a friend. With someone who didn't know what happened. Katya, after months of isolation, was making a friend. That's all she had wanted since last July.

Both girls went to sleep that night thinking of each other. Trixie thought of Katya's black hair and blue eyes. Katya thought of Trixie's pink hair and brown eyes. They both recognized the beauty the other girl held. Trixie thought about Katya's lips. Katya thought about Trixie's voice. They both thought a lot. Their hearts may have been in different places- but their minds couldn't escape from each other.

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