A Fake

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3rd Person

"For the last time no, this is not your Guys's soulmate." The doctor huffed. The Boys's head dropped, and some sighs were heard amongst them. The doctor rolled his eyes as he spotted a familiar lamb nurse waving the crazy bunny girl away. Another crazed woman seeking some sort of power, faked her soul mark.

 "Boys," The doctor began, "you are all extremely rare species of hybrids and alpha forms as well. You will not, I repeat NOT have a bunny hybrid or anything common."

Their heads picked up again and Namjoon looked at everyone from the side of the room. He knew that she wasn't the one for them but refused to crush hopes of the others. The one thing he was scared of was that their true mate could feel pain of them getting attached to others. It was never truly real though, they all could feel it, but the pain and annoyance of waiting was still as present as always.

From the moment they all met they all had the predator mark. The one thing that destined them all together one way or another. It was both a blessing and a curse as there was no choice, no 'yes' and 'no' to your mark, it just was. This idea didn't prove too much issue until the revelation of the second gene within a pair; the submissive, or prey.

Amongst mates there are two sides, those who hunt and the ones who don't. The soul marks show those who fit together. It wasn't uncommon for the predators' sides having the same marks just maybe more of them or to add one per person within the soul mark chain. The prey marks often complete and make both marks and mark chains whole. It was quite symbolic as two halves made a whole and the big dynamic would finally be balanced, but getting to that point was infuriating.

As the boys exited the doctors and chatter began up again.

"It looked so real too." Hosek commented ears down tail defeated. Looks got shot his way as he was one of the notorious ones to not like the prey that they would often run into; and this bunny was no different. The boys just nodded and continued their trek to home.

"Guys we can't keep doing this," Namjoon spoke up, "if they can feel all this, then we are going to have a lot of explaining and probably making up to do." 

The boys turned silent and contentiously their ears flopped. 

"Shit." Yoongi cursed. His body hunched over in slight pain. It's been happening a little more now and every time it targets a different person. Along with their tattoos of importance to each other, the fates decided it would be a good idea that the balance of suffering was also equal in the dynamics. If one side felt pain, then the other would as well. This also ironically kept most prey out of abusive pairings and would be conscious of their actions towards each other despite breed and strength. If the soulmate is harmed the pain is semi shared with the other end, that being said if they have more than one soulmate then the pain goes to only one of the predators at random. 

With them being 7 to 1, the males have been extremely careful not to get hurt cause they know all of their pain goes to their one prey mate.

The Boys's heads snapped over to the panther and rushed over. The grimace on his face said what his words failed as he locked his eyes with Jin. His features tensed again as another wave crashed over what seemed to be his abdomen as he couldn't contain an audible snarl as his instincts kicked in. Jin, who was the last person to get the inflicted soul mark pain, met the panther on the ground and tried his best to ease him but to no avail. It never helped as the emotional damage was enough to make the rain cloud over their heads last for days. 

As soon as it started it was over and Yoongi was left as a panting mess after the onslaught was over. Nobody would say anything, but the fox nearby could almost make out a small watermark down the cheek of his elder. 

"Wherever our mate is, we need to pick up the pace and find them." His eyes held worry. The aspect of finding their mate wasn't all because they where impatient. Granted, they as a whole where selfish and wanted to be completed, to have their final half, but the haste of getting however it was out of danger took precedence. It wasn't normal for the panther male to openly show his emotions to the group, but for his final mate, there was exception.

As soon as it started, it was over and Jungkook helped lift the male onto his feet again where they began their trek once more towards home. The weight of the situation hung over them and most of their ears had yet to return to an upright and alert position. Most had too much on their mind to consciously put them back anyway, even with the onslaught of attention they gained as they walked. 

As they passed block to block, people watched, hybrids sniffed, they were admired.

Their breeds and status where practically unheard of and the fact they all shared a mate meant one very lucky person,






Or so what the public thought, that's all the mattered to them anyway. It couldn't have been further from the truth for the seven males as they didn't share a single care about breeds or pedigrees. 

Nearing the last block till their building, footsteps could be heard at a fast pace. One very light and others very heavy.

A heavenly smell washed over the boys one that smelt to each of their own tastes. Dutifully crafted within each of their minds, the perfect aroma to sooth the inner monster of themselves. 

One of Lilac and Cedarwood.

Almost like a bowling ball down the ally, a small body crashed into the group taking half of them with the little speed. Their eyes dilated as the world seemed to stand still, a string tying each one of them to the onslaught and whoever brought it. Sparks and warmth swallowed the boys whole, and eyes quickly met theirs.

One thing rang through the seven different hunters.


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