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Hio! How's everyone day? I hope it's going well and if it isn't I hope this helps💜

In all honesty I really like writing in 3rd person. I will of course throw in first person chapters but for now I think I'll stick to the 3rd person. It works best for the story at the time but once it gets past a certain point *wink* *wink* I'll switch it back.

I'm sorry about being gone for so long :(
I've been working hard in school since finals are coming up and I also got a new job so my training schedule is hectic.updates might be a bit more spaced out then they have been but I promise to get one out at least once a week.


3rd Person

It took a whole day and a half for Hoseok to let the doe go. Within the day and a half Nahee relaxed into the Lions den. However even within her relaxation she still have the training a fear that was instilled deep.

Hoseok knew only the top of the iceberg of how this training ran through her. She wouldn't eat her meals unless fed and followed every request ever given.

He really freaked out when he was making a joke with her and mentioned for her to hide in the bathroom, don't ask how it went to that but it did.

It really freaked the lion out when he came back from grabbing some snacks outside and didn't see the doe where she was. Sure enough he found her,

In the bathroom,

Hiding in the shower with a smile on her face looking at him.

"We might have a small problem." The lion explained. The two were officially out of the room while Yoongi was hogging Nahee in much needed cuddles and scenting. The rest were holding a small meeting in the kitchen while Jin prepared lunch.

"They trained her." He finished after his story. "Like a dog."

Jin had stopped cutting some ham for sandwiches and slowly and almost deadly turned around to face Hobi.

"What?" The Rest took an instinctive step back as they all knew a pissed Jin was a deadly Jin. Smashing the knife down he brought his hands up to his face where he rubbed the bridge of his nose. He huffed trying to regain some composure trying to calm down. What helped was the small giggle that rung through the house.

Curiously Jin pushed past everyone and went to see Yoongi holding Nahee in a much needed cuddle and scenting for him. With everything that happened, the panther was ecstatic holding the small girl in his arms. So much that On his own face adorned a smile and a small laugh at some of Nahee's sweet antics. Jin relaxed slightly at the sight but he knew for all the stress to leave his body he needed either Nahee in his arms or something a little too saucy to happen for the time being.

So with determined footsteps Jin gently scooped the doe up into his arms similar to how Yoongi had her and brought her to the kitchen. Sitting her down on the chair he turned away to go grab her plate but heard a small scuffle before turning back around and seeing the small girl on the floor waiting. His brows furrowed and let out a sad sigh before crouching down.

"Stay in the chair okay? I'll be right back." He picked her up again and placed her down on the chair as Nahee watched on obviously a little more nervous watching the bear walk away leaving her alone at the table and in the chair. Seeing her slight discomfort Yoongi quickly bounced up and followed his elder to the kitchen and sat down next to the small girl sending a small smile as everyone else eventually gathered around. Jin made Namjoon move over a seat so he was next to Nahee with her food closer to him.

Giving Yoongi a napkin and a cup of water for the girl they all began eating. Gently picking up the sandwich and letting the girl eat with some vegetables to follow. Little did she know that he also put some of her medications within the food so it wasn't as much of a hassle to take so many pills. Nahee smiled at him and made a small grabbing hand towards his that currently wasn't feeding her.

He smiled happily to himself letting his large hand engulf her small ones while she bounced happily being fed. Seeing the drink in the corner of her eye she slowly turned towards the awaiting panther as he tilted the cup slowly for her to drink followed by a little swipe cleaning up the droplets of water left on her lips.

Namjoon, Hobi, Tae, Kook and Jimin looked on with love and pride to have their mate back. Under the circumstances they where a little worried since she wouldn't even sit with them but on the floor.

However they didn't need to even speak to each other while watching the young girl eat and laugh occasionally giving slightly nervous glances after she did for them to know.

Nobody was coming close to her with ill intent,




So, while the boys finished up lunch they made sure someone was with her at all times and helped her when she needed.

However it was Namjoon's idea to help her get used to eating and doing normal things by herself. One of these things was bathing.

Which she needed to have.

A silent fight broke out between them with flares and looks towards each other wanting to be the one to help their mate. Being fed up and semi concerned for scaring Nahee Jin picked the girl up and brought her upstairs. Nahee sat quietly in Jin's arms as he gave small little pecks to her forehead.

Placing the girl down on the counter he turned to ready the water. Placing enough bubbles into it as he felt would cover enough so she wasn't embarrassed. Turning around to pick the small girl up again and placed her standing.

Looking towards the bath and back at him she blushed and looked down.

Seokjin couldn't help but coo at the girl and give another quick peck to her face before turning around being the gentleman he is.

Once he heard light splashes and a little 'okay' he turned around meeting a very cute looking ear down doe in the tub. As bad as her back looked from the stitches and bruising Seokjin couldn't help but blush a little at her shy look.

The bath slowly began since the two both were worried about it getting out of hand but with Nahee's quick set mind she started playing with the many bubbles in the water.

Jin Just smiled as he washed her hair.

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