24 Hours

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3rd Person POV

It was 5:00 by the time a scratch appeared on most of the boys faces. Yoongi was the first to notice the strong sting on his cheek and a small head of blood that slipped out before closing up. His eyes had widened at the sight since he was ironically in the bathroom washing his hands. He felt his stomach drop and eyes sting as his tail shook in rage.

Nahee was hurt,

And he couldn't do anything about it.

He knew that Joon and Jimin had figured it out as a yell of anguish escaped out of the foxes lips at his want to save his mate. Namjoon had rushed in coddling the smaller boy but not saying a word. He knew that if he did his voice would betray his strong persona.

The rest of the house seemed dead. None of them have ate all day even when they sat down for their meal. All eyes traveled towards the now empty seat at the table next to Yoongi and beside Jungkook. None of them felt like eating soon after.

It was 5:30 when the tiger finally broke.

"NO! Im going to find her with you guys or not!" He deep voice vibrates through the house as he stomps through the living room.

"Taehyung! We all need to go but where?! WE DONT EVEN KNOW WHERE THEY WENT!" Hoseok yelled helplessly. The boy shut up as others gathered around.

"God, it's been less then 24 hours and we are already unable to think straight." Jin soberly says.

That is until Joon gets an idea.

He rushed to the small doe's room and through to her closet. Her smell slamming into him as he whimpered slightly. Shaking his head he grabbed the most prominent thing he could sense her on and took the scent in.

He could tell her footsteps and feel her trailing through the apartment through a simple fabric and hope sparking in his chest.

He followed the scent until it mixed with another and growled. Without having her near the scent is extremely diluted and He questions his ability to actually track her back to where she is.

Rushing up to the group his words where fast and frantic but they got the gist quickly when he shoved one of Nahee's shirts into Jin and went full wolf.

His extremely large form was close to Jimin's shoulders as he took off. Jin, also going full hybrid stopped as he mentioned for everyone to follow. One by one the boys shifted into their extremely large alpha forms and took off. In Jin's mouth hung Nahee's shirt as he raced after the wolf out into the street and beyond.

They were running for what seemed like forever before the all caught up to a distraught still wolf. His little whines and ducked tail told enough if the boys hadn't smelled it sooner.


The smell seeped from the walls of a building miles away and with the now dark surroundings it made the boys think twice. The only thing that kept one of them progressing towards the building was a now growing scent of their mate.

His princess.

Panther Yoongi crept through the prairies and bushes easily blending into the surroundings. He chirped at the others as a simple 'stay here' before progressing out of sight. He had figured the building was is poor condition as he found a hole big enough to easily fit through. He slinked through cages upon cages of hybrids all wide eyed towards the hall opposite to him. Following the scent of his princess he quickly realized that to get to her he would have to go out to the open.

The middle of the compound.

He grumbled silently at the hassle and wished these captors to be a little more stupid so it was easier to get his doe back.

Throwing caution to the wind he paced through the walkways sniffing every so often to gain a little bit more direction. Gaining ground quick the panther spotted a familiar small fragile girl and he couldn't contain his urgency anymore.

Darting behind the cage he barely fit.

That didn't stop Yoongi though.

He mewled at her form before she shot up meeting his bright green eyes.

"Yoongi?" She asked. Her voice was hoarse and her body shook. Upon closer inspection he saw a large cut adorning her cheek and multiple bruises already forming.

He growled at the sight.

It had only been around 24 hours and they managed all this. Yoongi wouldn't have it. Nahee quickly caught onto his growling and stuck her hand out petting the panther before small tears trailed down her face.

What she said next though completely through the panther for a loop.

"You need to leave." She cried.

Too go tilted his head with a whimper gently licking her hand and giving slight nibbles to try and pull her to the gate. He would undo it and she would be free and come back to them. Why wasn't she going?

"Yoongi I can't leave her here again. I need to get her out too and it's too dangerous right now. They would know." Her voice was a hushed whimper and she cowered into the corner and into what fur she could reach.

"Come back for me later. I'll be okay. I'll stay out of trouble."

As she said those words hard footsteps made its way near her enclosure and she muffled her mouth. She weakly pushes the giant cat away and cried. He didn't want to leave without her but at this point getting her out was at an all time low.

As his instincts kicked in, his animal took over sensing danger for himself and quietly stalked away. Much to his other half's screaming in his own mind in protest

Away from the small girl in the cage.

Away from the doe that needed protecting.

Away from his princess that was in desperate need of a knight in shining armor.

For the second time within 24 hours, Yoongi felt like he had failed her.

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