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It hurt.

It hurt so bad. Nahee's body felt like it was rejecting itself, like it needed another piece to live and breathe.

When she was around the males it was almost tolerable but now it was like she was being lit aflame. Nahee hadn't stopped crying as another even stronger wave hit her body. Nahee didn't even remember how long she'd been in this room but even without that knowledge she had counted the times the males have neared the room or tried to get in.

Nahee was completely useless and could barely even move let alone unlock the door Namjoon just so happened to lock on his way out from dropping her off what seemed like so long ago.

A waft of Lavender and mint rushed over her senses as she heard loud footsteps and yelling outside the door for what felt like the hundredth time. Fresh cut grass and floral soon followed the lavender and mint as she heard the two hybrids fighting.

"Let her out! She's hurting! Let go of me!" She believed (by the sound of his voice and the power it held) Yoongi yelled with Hoseok's grunts of pain to follow. Weak bruising appeared on her stomach, and she couldn't help but hunch over in even more pain. The longer Nahee stayed in this room, the more the males seemed to go insane. Nahee fought the tears, but eventually gave in, crying even louder as her body screamed for something from them.

She don't even know what is happening.

Or why is it happening.

The only time Nahee seemed to get some sort of relief is when her eyes slowly closed, and her mind drifted from the pain and heat engulfing her body.


Nahee didn't open her eyes as she felt herself being picked up and carried out of the room. The only pain left in her body was that of a small ache, comparable to cramps that pulsed through her limbs and head. That engulfing flame that resided in her was now reduced to a slow warmth in the pit of my stomach. Inhaling slightly, her senses clocked who it was exactly playing savior from that prison. It was Jungkook carrying her, by the coconut and forest scent his body produced.

Instinctively she snuggled into his chest and let out a small sigh.

Jungkook let out a small chuckle at the action and held her closer. However, not before noticing the small raise of her shirt due to the pinning between his arms. His eyes roamed over the sight of the small bruising on her stomach creeping up to her neck. It wasn't a hue bruise, just occasional spotting which seemed to appear like magic over her after the incedent with the panther and the lion outside her door. Nahee could feel guilt and regret coming off of him, not just the scent that oozed as well, in waves. A low whine and nudge of his head to the top of hers showed just how sorry he was. Nahee didn't understand though.

Why would he be sorry? 

As he walked down the halls towards the living room, Nahee could feel the energy from the rest of the males before she could even see them. They seemed to be happy to have her out again as Jungkook sat down, her body being cradled in his arms. Her eyes refused to open, her mind was far as she continued to just listen to their breathing and enjoy being out of her confinement.

"Kookie what's that on her stomach?" Nahee heard Jimin ask, she felt Jungkook shift gently.

"I'm guessing since we didn't feel her pain from the week, we assumed that she wouldn't feel ours." The Cheetah sighed and held her body closer, if that's even possible with the space given.

"What?" Hoseok uttered.

"Meaning the time you beat me senseless from running to her door, she felt it and got the bruising from it you ass." Yoongi growled out. At his growl Nahee finally opened her eyes to reassess her surroundings. Immediately she was met with seven pairs of eyes staring back at hers.

"Hey princess." The panther's eyes gleamed in affection and Nahee couldn't help it as she gave a gentle smile at the panther. Not even a second passed since Yoongi had groused at Hoseok that Jungkook growled at the lion as well.

"You did this?" Hoseok's eyes held a sheen of regret and didn't even try to say anything. Nahee didn't understand, Hoseok never touched her directly. Why are they blaming him?

"Why?" Nahee asked. Her voice was small compared to the others, seeming to almost elevate to yelling, in the room. "Why are you blaming Hobi? He hasn't touched me." She didn't know why but water built behind her eyes and the familiar sting of tears washed over her senses.

"Sweetheart you really don't know do you?" Namjoon's voice was soft and sympathetic as the boys huddled around where she sat.

"Do you know why that mark is on your neck cupcake?" Jin's hand gently grasped hers and rubbed soothing circles on the top of her palm, almost as one would a wounded animal trying to comfort it. Nahee shook her head, a small tilt took over naturally as confusion consumed her features.

"Then these couple days must've been really confusing huh." Tae reached towards her head and was careful not to touch her ears, the fox must've told him.  Nahee however, loved the feeling of his hands in her hair but she was still making sure she was listening to the eldest. These types of things where never spoken about in the facility where she came. As she grew older, she knew that it was rare for hybrids to have similar marks or even ones filled in aside from one portion of it. If there was a rare case with two, often times one of the pair would be gone the next day. Nahee never did know where they ended up, some said in the predator hall, others said sold on the market some even whispered about them being taken and dissected to figure out better breeding and hormone experiments. Either way, she never wanted to find out.

"You're our soulmate Nahee. We belong together, every one of us." Jin's ears twitched at her, and she looked at them all one by one. "Everyone has a specific person to call their own since the beginning. The thing about mates is that they can have more than one, seven in your case cupcake." Jin chuckled at the small whistled from another male in the group and continued. "The reason why everyone is a little tense with our Hobi here is because the wounds and pain inflicted on our soulmate transfers to the other. Meaning if any of us are in pain, you get it all. If you are in pain, only one of us takes the inflicted pain."

"You also get heats," Namjoon calls, rather bluntly opposed to the bear. "As you know it's extremely painful without your mates to 'help'. But it might not be the type of 'help' you're ready for. As for us, we can't resist you. Your scent changes to an even more intoxicating and alluring scent then normal and your body screams to be taken." He explains, but his eyes cloud over as if recalling a memory. That is, until an elbow jabs into his side, knocking that glazed look away from him. He brought his hand up to rub the area and gave a nervous smile Nahee. 

"I think she gets the point Namjoon." Jungkook said sternly.

Nahee looked at all of them and then back at her hands, which were still engulfed in Jin's.

"Okay." She said looking at them all. If she was made for them and them for her then she was safe, her body knew it, her heart new it and now she knew it. The times where all she wanted was to let go and be free around them and the intense trust she bestowed them all so easily, this made sense. They made sense. Nahee let out a small giggle and she could hear Jimin laugh along as well.

With Jungkook still holding her the atmosphere turned relaxed and smooth as the males all took a seat and sprawled out around her so at least one part of themselves were in the general area of her spot or touching her, nothing aggressive, just a simple trace of a finger or a gentle pat of their palm.

"We do have to address something though," Taehyung began, getting the attention of everyone in a split-second.

"Where will Nahee be sleeping? Cause I call dibs tonight."

Growls and groans from the males' wave over Tae and she let chuckle freely escape her at it all.

Nahee could definitely get used to this.

Her males,

Her mates.

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