Day Twelve

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Me: Here's day 12~

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Disgaea! I just own my OC's! 


Somewhere in another Netherworld


A demon with short white hair with horns on both sides of her head, poke her head from around the corner with a smirk on her face, snickering seeing her so-called demon nanny, let's just say she pranked her demon nanny and now her demon nanny isn't grayish-black anymore...the demon nanny is now pink and the demon nanny wasn't too happy, thankfully the demon girl name Cecilia sneak away to find her mother who was teaching at the Netherworld school.

Cecilia's POV

I slide the door open to hear and see my mother teaching the demons, I want to be just like her one day, so cool. I sneak over to my seat when her back was turned, I hope this time she didn't notice me...but of course, she finds out, I think she has a third eye behind her head! Anyways, after class was over mom gestured me over so I walk over to hug her.

"I see your late today? what did you do this time to your nanny?"

I smirked "I painted him pink! But of course, I didn't tell him it can be washed off with just a shower~"

She chuckled and ruffled my white hair "That's my girl, let's go and see if your father is busy, shall we?"


Flonne's POV

I finally got to the Netherworld I needed to go to, I saw the person I needed to see and she had a younger version of her but with white hair and the outfit is slightly different.


She stops turn around and blinked in surprise to see me, I grin walk over to hug her

"It's been a long time since we have seen each other, oh! This must be your daughter, right? She has his hair color~."

"Who are you?"

I giggled "You didn't tell her about me?"

"Well...I kind of did, but I guess she wouldn't know it's you since the last time we have seen each other. Cecilia, this is Flonne a friend of mine."

"Huh? Your friends with an angel mom?!" she was silent for a while but smile big "That's so awesome! Can you be my friend too?"

I giggled when Cecilia grab my hand begging me to be her friend, she's so adorable~

"Of course, we can be friends Cecilia."

"Yay! I'm so going to rub it in everyone's faces that I'm friends with an Arch Angel! bye!"

I giggled watching her run off "So...why are you here anyway? did something happen?"

My smile turn into a sad frown making her understand it wasn't good news "I need his help, a human is sick with a demon sickness..."

"What? that's impossible, human's can't catch a demon sickness."

"...I was surprised myself but somehow she end up with the sickness, that's why I need to ask him if he can help and have a look at Kira, the human that is sick."

"Of course, I just hope the idiot doesn't try to do any more than just look at her..."

"He won't, it seems Laharl has feelings for her...but he won't say it~"

"Oh, I see... Then, I'll take you to see him."

"Thank you Rasberyl."

I followed Rasberyl to the Overlord's home to find the demon I wanted to see and the other friends I met before when I was a fallen angel, talking about something until Rasberyl cleared her throat getting their attention.

"Guy's Flonne is here."

"Oh, hi Flonne." Almaz greeted me with a smile

"Hi, it's been a long time since I have last seen everyone...but, that's not the reason I'm here today."

"Huh? What is it Flonne?"

"...Mao, I wish for you to come with me... there's a human girl that is sick with a demon sickness, and knowing you will figure a cure somehow...please?"

"A new test subject. Muhahaha!"

Rasberyl smack Mao's head with her book that she always had "Don't try to go all mad on the human girl! Anyways, Flonne says Laharl won't allow you to touch her if you said that in front of go with Flonne and save the human girl or I'll kick your ass."

"Geez, fine...damn I needed a new subject, oh well. I'll just have to find another one some other time. Now take me to this human girl...better be worth my time, I am the Overlord after all."

"Of course, Mao. I'll bring Mao back safely."

"Of course, see ya."

Kira's POV

I felt hot all over, I need something cold. I couldn't breathe with all this heat suffocating me. I made my arms lift half my body up, my vision was hazy but I can still see but not too well. Did I get out of a coffin? No matter, I need something cold... I keep walking using the walls to support me until I found the gatekeeper lady I think frowned.

"Lady Kira? Should you be resting in Lord Laharl's room?" I frown confuse

"...Please...F-Frozen River...need to go their...p-please..."

I can tell she was hesitant at first but she gave in and sent me there, when I got there I felt it...I actually felt the coldness, I guess being sick I can feel heat and cold. I lay down in the snow not caring about anything else, I felt much better.

Kayla's POV

I was really worried for my sister, I can't just stand around and wait for Flonne to find something...but I can't do anything. I sigh softly and put my fingers through my hair.

"Lady Kayla?"

I turn around to see Angela with a frown on her face, something wasn't right. "Yes, Angela?"

"I just went to check up on Lady Kira, but when I went into Lord Laharl's room she was not there."


I run to Laharl's room and like Angela said I didn't see Kira, I cursed and rush out of his room to find him and I found him talking to Flonne and some guy with white hair. I stop close to them catching my breath.

"Kayla? What's wrong?" I look at Flonne

"Kira is missing! She's not in Prince's room.

"What?!" Laharl and Flonne yelled out in sync

"That stupid girl must have left or someone has taken her...I'll go ask around." Laharl rushed off probably worried for Kira...

"I'll go search for Kira as well...oh and Kayla this is Mao. He's an Overlord from another Netherworld...Mao this is Kayla, Kira's twin sister."

I didn't care right now, I was too worried for my sister so I told Flonne I'll go tell Koma that Kira is missing. I just hope we will find her soon something in my heart tells me Kira needs me but I don't know where she's at is frustration.

To Be Continued~ 

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