Day Seventeen

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Me: Here's the 17th chapter~

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Disgaea! I just own my OC's, just not Kayla, she belongs to my twin sister~


Viola's POV

When I heard Kira can't see anymore I felt worried for her but I know how it plays out but...well he realizes his own feelings before it's too late? I snap out of my thoughts when Kayla stormed past me to the GateKeeper lady, I just hope it won't end bad but for me, I knew what she was up to...should I tell someone?
What the heck? I'll go tell Sophie and Angela right now! That's why I'm here after all.

Artina's POV

I flew to Laharl's castle searching for Kira and Kayla, I just came back from Lady Archangel telling me Kira has now lost her eyesight so I wanted to see her. I don't know why I'm so attached to Kira but maybe being a mother soon made me have my motherly instincts showing themselves already, I stop flying seeing Koma-Inu with Kira just coming back from the Gatekeeper lady I landed on my feet gently speed walk over too them hugging Kira, push her gently arm length seeing her beautiful blue eye's dulled but she still had her kind bright smile.

"Hello Artina" I blink confuse, how did she know it was me?

"H-how did you figure out it was me?"

She giggled silently then signed back to me "I felt your small angel wings touch my hands and you smell like flowers and I can really smell Sardines." I chuckled seeing her nose scrunch up in disgust it was so adorable.

"Sorry, Valzy was eating a lot of Sardines while I was with him." Kira signed to Koma-Inu that she'll be okay with me and I told him she'll be safe with me so he walks away.

I look back at Kira to see her signing to me nervously "Artina?" I tilt my head while floating a little off the ground while she walks beside me to the outside garden "Yes? Something seems to be bugging you..."

Kira was quiet for a while then she decided to sign back to me "...Laharl...he hates me."

I landed on my feet with a frown on my lips walk in front of Kira "Why would you think Lord Laharl hates you?"

I watch her fiddle with her fingers nervously then signed to me again "He seems really angry with me it because I haven't hung out with him?... He seems distant, I'm too scared to even talk to him cause he'll just call me a 'nuisance' again..."

"Kira...I know! I'll take you to meet Valzy! To get your mind off of Laharl for a while..." I waited patiently until she nodded with a small smile.

"Sure, I would love to meet this guy that's the father of your baby~" I blush too embarrassing, I gently grab a hold of her hand making her float with me, she signed to me, "I told Koma, I'm with you so no one will be worried." I nodded "Okay, just hang on tight to my hand okay Kira?" I made sure she nodded tightening her hand in my hand, I squeezed back making sure she knows I have her and I won't drop her.


Kira's POV

When Artina finally got to her place she always goes to spend time with Valzy, she let me on my feet first before she went on her feet herself "Artina! Your back!" I heard a young girl's voice but she had a maturity to it...okay she doesn't but she seems nice...I think?

"Hi, Fuka. Sorry for not visiting as much but I wanted to check up on Kira here...oh! How rude of me, Fuka this is Kira, Kira this is Fuka."

I put a smile on my lips "Hello! Nice to finally meet one of Artina's friends." I signed to her, but I didn't hear anything.

"Huh? What the hell did you do with your hands?" I sweatdrop...don't tell me she doesn't know sign language "Oh yeah! Um Fuka, Kira here can't see, speak, sleep, and feel...a curse was put onto her by an evil witch."


"Seriously, do you know where Valzy is? I wish to introduce him to Kira here." I heard the shuffling of feet so I knew it must be the Fuka girl or Artina but I figure it was Fuka...Artina stays floating most of the time cause of her Pregnancy.

"He's with Fen Fen as always instructing the Prinnies about Sardines...I swear him talking about sardines again I'll smack him so hard with my bat he'll never say Sardines again." I sweatdrop when I heard Fuka talk in a very menacing voice that scares me slightly.

"N-now, now Fuka, please don't do that to Valzy. I should take Kira to see him right now take care!" I felt Artina grab my hand and drag me off the floor into the air wind nipping my cheeks gently.

Finally, I felt my feet touch the floor and I knew Artina stop so this Valzy guy is near, but I felt her let my hand go "Valzy!" I really wish I could see right now, I tried following her voice and some guy's voice which probably was Valzy I had my hands searching through the air trying to touch something like a wall or Artina's arm "Oh! I'm so sorry Kira!" I felt her hand slide into mine and help me over somewhere until she stops making me stop as well "Valzy, this is Kira the girl I told you about."

"Hmm, I see more of her symptoms appeared?"

"Yes, now she can't see...I want her to come to meet you so she can get her mind off of Lord Laharl, he hasn't been treating her nicely lately."

"I see... Your welcome to stay here as long as you like, Kira." I signed to him thanking him "She said 'Thank you'." Artina told Valzy "You are welcome, now we must eat lunch." I sweatdrop knowing Artina told me he really likes Sardines but I don't like it at all so yeah...not going to eat them.

Artina lead me to a table I believe I felt for a chair which I did with some help from Artina, I was enjoying my time with Artina's friends it was going smoothly until something happened unexpectedly I heard a voice I was shocked to hear.

"Get the hell off me! Where is she damn it!!" I frown hearing Laharl's voice echoing off the walls.

"Overlord Laharl, I believe you need to calm down we are in the middle of dinner and sardines." I sweatdrop at Valzy said that seriously? "Can it sardine freak! There you are, let's go home, Kira." I gasp in surprise when I felt my body feel a tug even though I couldn't feel his warmth...I miss it.

"Lord Laharl! Don't be too rough with Kira." Artina begged to make him stop dragging me away.

"...Who said you can bring Kira here?! You have no right angel, stay away from her." I frown when Laharl yelled at Artina and even called her angel instead of her name I knew Laharl was still in front of me so I smacked him hard enough to get his attention signing to him to stop yelling at Artina and it was my fault.

"...Tsk...whatever." he let go of my arm must have crossed his arms over his bare chest...'Crap! Don't you dare think that Kira! Especially at a time like this.' I mentally shook my head, I started to grab a hold of Laharl's arm or his scarf but what surprise me was Laharl grabbed my hand in his making me blush...I think? I can't tell anymore.

"Come on...let's go home." I was taken by surprise yet again by Laharl, he was being nice again to me after what he said to me...even though I was still a little bit upset with what he said, he didn't really mean it...did he?

That is all that I thought while Laharl lead me back 'home' I squeezed his hand gently even though I can't feel it for some reason I felt small warmth then went away just like that...odd.

To Be Continued~

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