❝Please update!❞

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sorry to everyone who received another notification from this update

you know what REALLY annoys me?

when people say "Please update!"

or they don't even try to sound polite, they just straight up go, "UPDATE!!"

honestly, could you try to sound a bit more polite?

cuz, really?

so here are my tips on how to properly encourage an author to update:

1.) Tell them how much you appreciate their book

Believe me when I say that comments about how much a person loves your book are super encouraging. Make sure to include something like your favorite moment in the most recent chapter, or what you're looking forward to seeing more of, or what you're excited to see/find out to show that you're planning on coming back for more chapters.

Ex: A Percy Jackson/Harry Potter fic [insert shameless self-promo; GO READ 'Hamartia']

- "I love this book! I'm really excited to see Harry find out about Percy being a demigod!"

- "I really liked seeing the bromance between Draco and Percy! I can't wait to see more of it!"

- "I love how Percy managed to cover for his powers by saying it was accidental magic, and imagining Harry's face when he was basically slapped by a water hand was HILARIOUS! I can't wait to read more!"

2.) Make a compliment and then ask about their update schedule

This is the most straightforward. Just make sure to check beforehand, because author's commonly have a set update schedule that's posted in an author's note in the book itself, or in their bio.

Ex:  A Harry Potter/Percy Jackson fic [insert shameless self-promo; GO READ 'Englishman In New York'!]

- "I love it! Do you have an update schedule or is this randomly updated?"

- "When can I expect another update? I'm super excited to find out more!"

3.) Reminders

If an author hasn't updated in a while [I usually classify this as 5+ months, but sometimes it can be more or less] and they usually update, it's safe to assume that they might've forgotten to update or even decided to put their books on hold/discontinue it. If they have decided to stop posting updates for that story, then yes, I believe as a reader, you have the right to demand an explanation, or at the very least, an announcement about that book being on hold or discontinued.

That being said, I am NOT encouraging just spamming the author's notifications by begging them to update or bring a book back. You got your answer, so you have to accept it if an author has decided to stop writing.

Ex: A fantasy story [insert shameless self-promo; GO READ 'Karphil' my first completed book!]

- "This book is awesome! I was just wondering, do you plan on updating anytime soon? Because this book hasn't been updated for ------ months/years."

- "Have you discontinued this book? If so, please tell us, because a lot of readers love this book, and you haven't updated for a while."

- "Could you please update? You haven't in a long time, and we as readers deserve an explanation if you plan on not updating."

4.) Author's Ask

If an author specifically asks 'Hey, what book do you guys want updated?' then feel free to ask for what you want, because it's not classified as rude if an author has actually said they want to know what their readers want. But also, please make sure to sound polite, don't get snarky or anything, just ask something like "Could you update ------ please? Thanks!"

I hope these tips have been helpful, for you guys. If so, vomment and cote! You know the drill!

Hopefully you'll use these tips and find them helpful!

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