Yuri Pilsetsky X Blind!Reader || Skate For Me

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(Edited 4th October 2019)

(Possible video for the routine mentioned in the story, above, encase you want to watch some skating~) 

You lost your sight after you decided to practice skating out of a frozen lake. 

The water was frozen so solid that when you fell, for the first time in months mind you, you barely cracked the ice. The same was not to be said about your skull.

You preferred practicing after closing time considering it was much less 'out there'; not as many repetitive questions, plus the owners let you stay since they were good friends with you parents and they trusted you. But once the final Skating Championship rounds came around one year, you had a couple extras come to watch you practice before they did their thing.

These two people were Katsuki Yuuri and Viktor Nikiforov, two of the best male ice-skaters of their generations.

When you found out it was them watching you, you apologized profusely for them having to watch your sloppy skating every night. They, however, assured you that you were one of the best skaters they'd ever seen. 

And here you where, skating in front of them again.

But something was different today; someone was different today.

You couldn't hear where they were, the person was far too quiet. You couldn't feel or smell them nearby, meaning they weren't on the ice with you. You couldn't see them either, not because they were hiding, but because you were indeed still blind. 

You figured out that Viktor was here, he made that clear when he greeted you once he entered, his accented voice echoing through the arena like glass shattering in a art gallery. Yuuri seemed to be here too, you heard him drop his glasses and drink bottle more than once, typical behavior of the Asian. The owners weren't around, they mention they were going out to dinner tonight when you came in.

You did one final twirl as the song finished, taking in a few gulps of air before heading over to where you remembered leaving your water bottle. Thankfully for you, you'd always had a wonderful sense for making mental maps of places and keeping track of the position of things in rooms, even before you went blind.

You heard heavy footsteps - Viktor's clearly - coming towards you along with a set of smaller, more fast-paced steps. He must have been pulling Yuuri along. Yuuri was shorter after all.

"(Y/N)! That was fantastic, as usual." The tall man barely took a breath before talking again. "This is Yuri Plisetsky! We call him Yurio. He's your age and a skater too!" Ah not Yuuri but Yuri. You'd heard of Yuri Plisetsky before, but hadn't had the chance to watch him skate before your accident. "And guess what I did?" you shrugged. "Aw, come on (Y/N) ~ Guess!" he was bouncing from foot-to-foot, you could feel the air moving.

"Did you adopt this poor boy?" you guessed. The spluttering from Yuuri across the rink made you smirk, but that clearly wasn't the answer.

"Nope. I signed you and Yuri up to compete in the couples freestyle!"


"You didn't get my permission to do that!" Yuri yelled; you heard he did that a lot.

"The competition is in less than three weeks!" you then yelled at Viktor. What was that knucklehead thinking?

"Well then, you'd better start practicing." he hummed and pushed you back onto the ice. Viktor usually treated you as if you could still see; you didn't mind, but he could be a bit careless sometimes. He ushered Yuri to put his skates on faster, much to the grumbling from the teen. "I'll even coach you." 

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