Tony Stark X Reader || In The AM

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(Edited 4th October 2019)

You had not been having the best week of sleep. And anyone could tell. 

You were usually tired, since you are the best technical engineer in S.H.E.I.L.D and are usually up till all hours working on something, but you were never this tired.

Clint and Sam had been keeping track of how many mistakes you had been making (betting that you will/wont sleep for more than 5 hours at a time before the week ends). Those mistakes have ranged from using a bowl as a coffee cup and wondering why your wrench (actually Thor's hammer) wont get off the damn table, all the way to walking into the kitchen and wondering why your workshop was renovated into a kitchen, even though the two said rooms weren't even in the same five levels in the Avengers Tower.

At least Clint, Sam, Bucky, Thor and, occasionally, Steve thought it was funny.

But Tony was getting worried, some of the things you were getting wrong, were getting dangerous.

Like you started using butchering knives as butter knives, and you had put the positive and negative connections for a battery on the wrong position and almost had a shock equivalent to the energy produced by a lighting strike, along with well as fainting in the hallway multiple times.

I'm sure you can see why he was getting worried.

At the moment, you were tossing and turning in your bed. Over the past week you had also been trying out lots of different ways to go to sleep. None of them worked. Not. One.

You were simply too tired

You had almost given up when an idea came into your mind. You hadn't tried it yet, so there was a chance that it would work. So you slipped out of bed and softly padded down the hallway to the elevator. Once in the elevator you asked J.A.R.V.I.S where Tony was.

He was in bed. The little mongrel wasn't where you wanted him. He was always up late, like really late, so going to work with him in his workshop would have been a descent way to spend the next 6 hours until Steve woke up, but no. He had to be sleeping.

Then another idea came to mind.

You crept to his bedroom and knocked lightly on the door. There was no answer. So you knocked again, a little louder. Your reply was a groan. It was a good enough reply so you opened the door and stepped inside.

"Tony?" you whispered.

"(y/n), what are you doing up?" he asked. You stood in front of the door with your hands behind your back. Now that you were actually here, your idea didn't seem so good.

"C-Can we cuddle?" you murmured, barely audible, but he heard.

"You knocked on my door at 1 in the morning, to cuddle?" he asked and even though the room was dark, you could tell he had an amused smile on his face.

"Yes." Your gaze was on the floor, a small blush had made its way to your cheeks and you shuffled you feet on the floor.

"Come here babe." Tony opened up the blankets on the bed and held open his arms. You sped-walked to the bed and jumped in next to him. He curled the blanket around you and pulled you closer to his chest.

The whir of his arc reactor and it's blue glow gave you some sort of comfort. You didn't know why.

Tony nuzzled his face in your hair and the smell gave him comfort. He didn't know why.

"You know you can always come to me for cuddles. Right?" he told you.

"Now I do." You smiled up at him and he smiled back. He gave your lips a peck then snuggled back down.

From that night on you slept with Tony. Cuddled next to his side.

Also from that night on, you slept. And you slept well, ready for whatever the Avengers or S.H.E.I.L.D throws at you.

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