Levi Ackerman X Reader || The World Above (Part 2)

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(Edited 4th October 2019)

You had been above ground for about four weeks now, and you were really believing that you could say you had some actual friends; Not just people who protected you and helped you out because you helped them first, but people who genuinely cared about you, people that came and spoke to you to ask how your day went. One of those people, much to the surprise of the rest of the Scouts, was Levi.

Along the process of your weeks above-ground many people found that you didn't need much training with maneuvering your 3DMG, but your work with using the accompanying swords to attack the fake titan necks were...not as great. Sure you were better that some at using the swords, but nowhere as good as the likes of Levi, Erwin, Oluo, Petra, and the others in Levi's team. At least you can say that because of your quick-thinking and ignorance of the rules you had a couple titan kills under your belt before joining the Scouts; that was something no one else had.

One thing that you were defiantly not great at was hand-to-hand combat. Since you came from the Underground and were a well-known vigilante, one could think you had a certain amount of skill in this area in order to complete your tasks. However, you usually preferred using your brains instead of your fists. You'd of used things like smoke-bombs, poisoned blow-darts, and throwing knives to take down your much-larger-than-yourself enemies.

So when, on your first day of training, you were paired up to spar with Gunther the fear on your face could be seen from where Levi and Erwin where standing. Gunther also saw the fear on your face and asked if you were feeling well, due to your face being rather pale for someone with (s/c) skin and a certain amount of sweat already covering your forehead and cheeks. When you told him you were fine and just 'not used to being in the sun', he told you to suck it up and focus.

Needless to say, he had you floored within the first 30 seconds.

"She's useless." Oluo spoke up from his new-found place at Levi's side.

"She only needs training." Erwin defended from Levi's other side, confident that the skills you lacking in fighting other humans could be made-up with fighting titans.

"And a lot of practice. I've never in my life seen someone from the Underground fight so badly." Levi droned, arms crossed and a deep scowl on his face. You were now standing again and placed yourself in a better fighting stance than last time before Gunther floored you again.

"See, she lasted longer that time."

"I mean no disrespect, Sir, but she's still totally useless."

"Oh bite your tongue Oluo, she's trying." Petra commented and slapped Oluo on the back of his head. With a groan, you got up to your feet once more and wiped away some blood dripping from a cut in your lip onto the sleeve of your jacket. Taking another deep breath, you positioned yourself again. This process went on another ten times, at least, before someone spoke up again.

"At least she's resilient." 

"I'm glad you think so, because you're training her Levi. Once at the beginning of the day, then again before it ends. I want her skills fighting one-on-one to rival her 3DMG use. Understood?" Erwin spoke, leaving Oluo with a wide-open mouth and nothing to say of the sudden routine-change in Levi's schedule.

Levi grunted in acknowledgement. As the short man walked towards where you were being thrashed by Gunther, the small group he left behind started up a small conversation.

"Do you think this is a good idea?" Petra asked the taller blonde-haired man. All Erwin did in response was smile before wondering off.

"I don't think it is."

"I didn't ask you Oluo."

After Erwin assigned Levi to train you to fight properly, you did become a much better fighter. By the time Erwin said Levi was done with you, you were able to easily take down Petra, Hanji, and Oluo (not all at once mind you), and give Eld and Gunther a run for their money. But Levi always bet you, not really a surprise but at least you could last a decent time when fighting him.

Now back in the first paragraph Miss. Author mentioned that Levi took time out of his day to ask how you were. That was a bit of a lie. Or it wasn't? Okay let her explain then you can decide for yourself.

Everyone knows how much Levi loves his tea. Everyone also knows he drinks that said tea at least six times a day; once at every meal, the once more in between, and the last before he goes to bed. All of these teas are made by someone other than Levi, except the one before bed since he can go to sleep at awful hours in the morning.

When you showed up from the Underground, and then Levi was assigned to train you how to fight, it didn't surprise many people when he requested for you to make his tea for him. Despite the fact you had no idea how to make tea, once Levi showed you how to do it once, you managed to do it perfectly every time since.

It was one of those times now.

It was almost two forty-five, meaning it was just about time for Levi to get his tea again. In other word you now excused yourself from helping Petra clean the stables to go make some tea, luckily she understood and thanked you for helping thus-far since no one asked you to help her. You quickly made your way to the kitchen, passing through some windows partially to make the journey quicker, the other reason was to hopefully scare Oluo.

Both reasons were not in vain since Oluo shrieked like a five-year-old girl when you slid through his window, and you made it to the kitchens one-and-a-half minutes faster than you would when taking the usual route.

Once you had the needed things to make Levi's tea all placed on a tray, you began your way up the stairs, which also didn't take long since you preferred balancing along the railing so your knees didn't tire out as quickly.

You reached Levi's office door as soon as the time turned two forty-five. Knocking sharply three times, a grunt then footsteps led up to the raven-haired man opening the door for you. Once in Levi's office you set yourself up on one of the spare tables.

"Fight me this afternoon."

"Pardon sir?"

"Tch, you deaf brat?"

"No-no sir, it's just – are you sure sir?"

"If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't have asked." Levi looked up at you, and since he was now seated back at his desk his hair covered his eyes, but that steel-grey color shines through anyway, sending shivers down your spine.

"Of course sir." you placed his tea down near his ink-pot. His hand shot up and grabbed your wrist; it was a firm hold, but in no way would it keep you hand there if you didn't want it to be.

"So that's a yes?"

"Yes sir."

"Please (y/n), you can call me Levi when we're alone."

"Yes... Levi."

From that moment on, you and Levi both fought every afternoon after you gave him his tea.

That turned into more intimate activities after he's thoughts didn't filter from his mind to his mouth. In short he told you he loved you without realizing it.

You initially didn't react, just replied with a 'Love you too', and that was when he noticed what he said.

Everything escalated from there.

You guessed that the world above ground, despite the titans, wasn't that bad at all.

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