Jumin Han X Reader || Apologies

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(Edited 4th October 2019)

Echo Girl sat in front of you, nothing but a edge of a desk separating the two of you. You were scowling at her, she knew what she did and it showed in the way she cast her eyes downwards and fiddled with her fingers.

"Why would you ever think that was a good idea?" You told her in a hushed voice as you continued some unimportant paperwork.

"I don't know." She shrugged and twiddled her thumbs some more.

"Well you need to find a reason, a true reason that I approve of, before Zen gets here, which is in," you checked your watch, "less than five minutes." You looked up at her and sighed. "I know it's hard, especially since Father died, but you must know that that isn't an excuse to do whatever you like anymore, brother knows that and so do I. Have some decency and morals."

"I don't know why I did it. I could have been a bit embarrassed I guess." she mumbled. You nodded.

"See, that's a fairly decent answer; you were embarrassed, and slightly humiliated so it caused you to do something indescribably stupid." Leaning back in your chair, crossing your arms and legs, you smirked at her.

"Hey, I-I wasn't-I don't." She groaned and slumped back in her chair as a pout formed on her face. "Don't make fun of me."

"Why not, I love doing that." Your brother, Taichung, now entered the room, causing your sister to groan. "Hey (Y/N), there are two guys sitting outside. Your assistant said they were here to talk to you and 'Echo Girl'.

"They? Zen is only one person and one person is all I invited." you quirked up an eyebrow.

"Zen must be the albino. Jumin is the other fellow, you know, dark hair, blue-ish eyes, RFA Member, wealthy CEO guy." Taichung explained.

"Ah, send them in. You stay out though; we don't need you listening in on this." You ushered him out as Echo Girl let out a breath. You both knew how impossible and immature Taichung could be. Soon after he left two other men walked in, one you'd seen from the news that person being the white haired one, the raven haired one was a bit less known to you but you did recognize him, but not just from 'normal stuff', you felt like you really did know him. You shot another glare at your sister, remembering that she also cost him his reputation.

She met your eyes and you could visibly see her swallow.

"Thanks for coming gentlemen. I'd like to start with explaining why you're here, although you might already know." You started, gesturing for them both to take a seat. "With the resent misunderstanding caused, I'd like to apologize in behalf of Echo Girl, since she seemingly can't do it herself." Your voice trailed off to a mutter, hopping they wouldn't hear the last part of your sentence, but Jumin seemed to since a light smile dusted his features. You looked over at your sister, silently telling her to explain herself.

"Zen, Jumin, I-I'm sorry for what I did. I felt embarrassed and a bit humiliated. I over exaggerated a bit." she apologized. You looked at the duo and saw that they seemed to take that as an answer. Since they weren't your sister, they probably accepted the apology a bit better.

"Thanks Echo Girl, but that won't exactly fix things." Zen spoke up.

"I have a conference meeting planned for Echo Girl to make a public apology. It's at noon next week, so if you have nothing planned I'd love for the RFA Members to attend." you then leaned on your office chair. "I know it won't entirely fix things, but at least people would know the truth."

"Thank you, if you don't mind I'd like to get going. There are some things I need to get done." Zen then stood from his chair. You nodded.

"Yes, it wasn't a problem Zen. By the way, congratulations on your new relationship with MC, a very romantic confession." you smiled at the tall musician. "Keep in touch, yeah?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2019 ⏰

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