Chapter 27: Siblings

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Tina's P.O.V

I open my eyes and take a look around the unfamiliar room, Newt's room to be exact, well now my room too. I start to roll over but the weight of an arm draped over me is a new feeling. I cuddle closer into Newt's chest craving his warmth. Newt whispers into my hair, "Morning love." Not moving my face from the soft spot between his chest and shoulder I grumble, "Morning." Newt huffs a warm breath of air, "Never a morning person, until you have coffee." Groaning in agreement I pull away, press a kiss on Newt's forehead, and roll out of the cozy covers. Newt and I walk into the kitchen to find Queenie and Jacob already there. Queenie motions towards the coffee pot and says, "morning sleepy heads, breakfast is on the stove and get your coffee while it's hot." I gratefully take a mug adding two sugars and go to the dining room to sit down. Newt follows close behind. He sits down next to me and says, "I've never had coffee before, I thought I would try some but I did add a lot of milk like I do for tea." Glancing down at what I assumed was his tea, I see a very milk heavy cup of coffee. Newt picks up his mug scrunches up his face and takes a small sip, I see him struggle to swallow and I laugh at his reaction.  He grimaces and says, "I think I'll stick to tea, Tina I can't believe you drink this almost straight." Getting defensive I say, "It's an acquired taste! If you started drinking it more you might come to like it." Newt gives me a look that says he is never drinking it again and mumbles under his breath, "Americans." And just to make him a little irritated I breath, "Brits," right back. Newt opens his mouth to say more but Queenie walks in with a pan full of eggs. She places an egg and toast on our plates and Jacob comes in with some juice. When we are all eating I ask Queenie, "Where is Credence and Nagini?" With a mouth full of food she gets out, "Still sleeping," and rolls her eyes. On a more serious note I face my sister and ask, "Queenie would you like to be my maid of honor in our wedding?" Queenie flies out of her seat and gives my a huge hug. She practically screams in my ears, "YES! Of course Teenie!" Smiling broadly she give me another squeeze and sits back down. I look at Newt and he flinches and says, "Oh right, Jacob would you like to be my best man?" Looking astounded Jacob asks, "Me?" Newt smiles at him and says, "Of course you silly, you brought Tina and I together." Excited he gives Newt and I a nod and says, "I would be honored." Newt gives me a smile and declares, "Well it's all settled then, Tina and I have decided to have the wedding in a month." "A MONTH." Queenie shrieks. Trying to calm her down I say. "Of course it's going to be very small and in Newt's case, so their is not a whole lot of planning." Queenie gives a sly giggle and says, "That's what you think now." I give her a confused look but ask her, "I was also wondering, will you please make my dress?" Queenie  says, "Teenie of course I already have some designs going, how about tomorrow you and I go and get some fabric and start measuring you?" I give her an excited nod, then I remember the one thing that I need to before the wedding, alone. 

I told Newt that I was going shopping because I am going to need some clothes here if I am going to live here. Buying my half-lie he just told me to be safe and pick out some good clothes. I do really plan on going shopping but right now I am working up the nerve to walk into Theseus' beach bungalow. After a few minutes of telling myself that this is the right thing to do, I walk up the rickety wooden steps, take a deep breath and knock on the door. Theseus opens the door on my second knock and motions for me to come in. I follow him into a small sitting room with light blue furniture and plotted plants on the large bay window sill. The house is a lot cleaner then last time Newt and I came and Theseus even though still quite looks like he has finally managed to sleep some. Seeing that Theseus wan't going to talk first I start speaking, "Hello Theseus, I know you dislike your brother right now but I would like you to know that we are getting married in one month-" I try to go on but Theseus cuts me off, "Look I am glad that my little brother is getting married and to someone he truly loves but I am not going to be part of the wedding." Just him saying this makes me start to see red.  I try again although it is hard to try and be calm when an inferno is burning inside. "Theseus just listen for a minute, please." It comes out a little tighter then it should but Theseus stays quiet. I begin again, "I know you and Newt have your problems-" Theseus snorts but I shut him up with a glare. "And I know about sibling fights, my sister and I have our own problems, but our problems can either bring us together or pull us apart. I just have a feeling that Newt and you love each other very much, even if it is sometimes very deep down. And what happened to Leta was neither of your faults but if you let it tear you and Newt apart, Grindewald wins. Grindewald wins every damn day Theseus if we let him." In his chair Theseus is crying softly and he whispers, "You don't think I know that Tina, I have seen his effect everywhere I just never thought it was going to be me and Newt. Tina I really am happy for you and Newt I mean when he was banned from travel he talked about you every day. Before you came along he was a shell of himself and you gave him life. When I first met you I knew he loved you. And I am sorry about how I am acting I guess am I jealous but mostly I am mad at myself for letting this happen." Understanding starts to bloom across my mind and I am reminded of myself as I see the haunted look in his eyes. I am reminded of a time when I was the older sister doing everything I could to get Queenie and I along.  I walk over to him and offer him a squeeze. I say much softer this time, "I know what it feels like to be the older sibling and stress it causes but do you think that missing your brothers wedding will make anything better? All I ask is for you to come but there is always a space for another groomsman." Theseus give me a sad smile and says, "Thank you Tina, I will come but I make no promise about a groomsman, and since you will be living here have you ever thought about joining the ministry?" Elated at his response, the last comment taking me by surprise but it makes sense I will need a new job. I reply, "No but it would be good for me, thank you for hearing me out, good bye." He doesn't get up to walk me to the door but I let myself out, pulling my leather coat back on, and apperate to a muggle shopping center to get stared on my new wardrobe. 

Hi guys hoped you liked the chapter and Newt and Tina may be sharing a room but nothing had happened I don't write that stuff. Anyway I really like the concept of people talking older sibling to older sibling! As always comments are appreciated, see you guys next chapter.  

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