♡ 20.j.r.a ♡

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You slouch tiredly against the cool, noir (black in french shh i wanted to dont question it), leather couch. A fatigued sigh escapes your lips as your eyes struggle to keep open; it had been a long day; you had worked hard. You were definitely glad to be back home.

You had a steaming warm drink beside you on the table that you had just finished and some leftover food. The atmosphere in living room was neutral and calm; quite comforting actually. You enjoyed evenings like this where the falling sun would gleam in deep red, oranges and yellow hues in the sky which would beautifully seep through your curtains dimly illuminating the room along with the electric lamps. It was relieving and serene.

However, one thing was missing. Your boyfriend; he still hadn't shown up. Yes, he had said that he'd be late today, but you hadn't expected it to be this late. You had texted him and called him once and he replied after half an hour saying he'll be back.

You huff as you cross your legs and throw your head back onto the couch. "Where is he? Jackkkkkk?" You drawl out whining; a pout forming on your lips.

All of a sudden, the front door handle rattles and you can hear the subtle 'click' of the door as it opens. You leap up in excitement as a shining grin envelopes your lips, "Jack! You're finally home!"

You see his eyes light up and he smiles cutely at you; you rush to him and wrap your arms tightly around his torso almost knocking the breath out him. "Missed me, baby?"

You nod into his chest humming a response. You hear him sighing tiredly and he groans, "I'm so tired, it's unbelievable that I'm even standing right now." You frown, "You did work for longer today. You should rest and relieve that stress; you're home now that's all that matters." You smile at him. He chuckles as he tosses his bag aside and settles on the couch whilst waving you over.

You sit beside him curling into the side of his torso placing your head against his chest where you can hear the faint rhythm of his heart. The warmth of his body reaches you as you curl up impossibly closer to him; he chuckles as he wraps an arm around your waist resting his hand just above your hip. He plays with the hem of your shirt; occasionally slipping his fingers underneath feeling your skin underneath.

His dark brown eyes peer into yours stunningly. The strong bridge of his nose digs into the curve of your neck as he drags it along from the base of your neck to your jaw; delicately nipping at your skin leaving warm kisses on your neck. Your cheeks warm up; you can't help but reach up and run your hands through his soft dark locks and move some strands of the ebony hair out of his eyes.

Your eyes flicker down to his lips; his strong Cupid lips that never fail to make you melt. Just as you're about to lean in; he tilts his head back sighing, "Ah, I'm so tired baby. I think I should go take a nap, gotta rest up you know?" You pout, "Really?"

He grunts, closing his eyes, "I appreciate the cuddles that was needed but I'm really struggling to keep awake you know?"

"Can't I kiss you at least?" You ask with widened eyes. He chuckles tiredly; his smooth voice quietly mumbles, "Maybe later baby, for now I'm gonna go sleep, okay?" You see the teasing glint in his sleepy eyes; you can almost see his lips twitching to form a smirk but he contains himself.

You smirk subtly as you suddenly rip out of his grip making his eyes widen and you instantly straddle his lap. You grab his hands placing them on your hips. His eyes darken; the hint of tiredness still clouding his eyes. He lets out a yawn before saying, "So this is how you're gonna play? I would love to, but I'm tired.." He groans grumpily.

You shake your head smiling, "Just relaxJack . Just cuddling that's all, we're gonna sleep." You lean over kissing his neck gently as you place your hands on his chest. He leans back sighing in contentment. He closes his eyes with a small smile on his face; a pinkish blush. You place your lips against his as he smiles into the kiss as you move your lips with his at a slow, passionate pace.

He groans as you slowly run your fingers through his hair; you know how quickly that will get him to go to sleep. He chuckles breathlessly as he kisses your jaw before pulling your head to his neck and he mumbles into you ear, "Sleep baby, I will too. Just like this. We both deserve it, I love you."

You smile as sleep begins to wrap around you both, you mumble, "I love you too Jack."


wrote this while listening to good girls by 5sos

what a bop i stan

Jack is  ;)

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