Kidnapped by our mates

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Mackenzie's POV

Willow and I were walking back from the town on a Friday night, discussing what we would do in case of a zombie apocalypse, because it's bound to happen somewhen. "Basically, I would fall over, and drag you down with me. Because if I'm going down, I'm bringing you down with me bitch." I explain to her. Willow rolls her eyes, "that sounds about right." She says with a laugh. "I'm sorry, I just can't help being born this awesome!" I say casually striking a super man pose in the middle of the street. Willow suddenly stops walking and grabs my shoulder. "Mac, were you dropped as a baby? Because that would make a lot of sense" She asks looking as serious as a saucepan. I shove her hand off of my shoulder before rolling my eyes and walking off without her.

Urgh, why do our stupid foster parents have to live so far away! I complain to myself, as I trudge along the pavement. The next thing I know, I'm lying on the floor. Willow turns around and looks at me with an are you kidding me look on her face. "Willow, I'm not gonna make it. I'm sorry but you've got to go on without me!" I say in a way that might suggest that I'm dying. She opens her mouth to speak, but then turns around as someone behind her coughs. As she moves I see that behind her are what I presume to be Gods sent from heaven.
"That was quite a performance!" God no.1 says. I blush, before gracefully standing up and dusting myself off. But before I can say anything I'm engulfed in a hug from someone.That person then whispers "mate" in my ear, as you do, obviously...
Um, I'm gonna leave now, they're creeping me out. I turn to willow who has a shocked expression on her face as she is being attacked with a hug by the other hot guy.

I swiftly knee my attacker in his "sensitive area", before screaming "run willy run!" As I sprint off towards our house. I notice that willow has done the same thing, and is running behind me. The two guys are currently doubled over in pain. I giggle to myself as I run, desperate to get back home.

??? POV

Me and my twin brother were walking through town, when suddenly I smelt vanilla and chocolate, smells delicious. I look towards my brother, who also seems to be sniffing the air. We turn to each other and smile, I think we've found our mates! I hope she's hot.

As we continue walking, we see two girls, one of them seems to be on the floor...? "Willow, I'm not gonna make it. I'm sorry but you've got to go on without me!" The girl says, I stifle a laugh. Dramatic much! Just as the other one is about to speak, my brother coughs, making the two notice us. "That was quite a performance!" I say to the girl currently on the floor. She blushes before standing up, aww that's sweet. I quickly engulf her in a hug, as I do so my wolf screams MATE repeatedly in my head, dude calm the fuck down. I turn to my brother, who is doing the exact same thing as me with the other girl. "Mate" I whisper in her ear, hugging her tightly. She tenses before kneeing me, in an extremely painful place. I immediately double over in pain, as she begins running. "Run willy run!" She screams as she sprints away. What the hell?! What is my mate doing? I turn to my brother who also seems to be doubled over in pain, and his mate also running away.

A few minutes later, we both stand up. Recovering from the painful attacks to our pride and our dicks. "We need to go find them." I state. My brother nods, " I don't know why they ran away. They were definitely werewolves. Are they going to reject us?" he says, confusion written all over his face. I shrug, "if they're not going to come with us willingly, we're going to have to think of a plan." I explain my smile contorting into a full out smirk. I'm coming to get you my little mate.

Willow's POV

Mac and I had successfully managed to escape the creepiest hot guys ever. We ran for the next 10 minutes, to get back home. I think I'm dying now, I turn to Mac who has collapsed on the sofa. I laugh at her before crawling into the kitchen to grab a cookie. I notice that there's a letter on the counter top.

Dear girls, Harry and I have gone out to a party. Don't expect we'll be back before 1am! Don't burn the house down. Sarah x

"Mac Donald! Harry and Sarah have gone to a party!" I shout to her. She grunts in response. I shake my head, then grab a cookie before returning to the lounge and sitting down next to her. "Onesie party?" I question. "Onesie party." She clarified before high fiving me and walking upstairs to go get changed.

About 5 minutes later we had both changed onto our onesies, she was wearing a cow onesie, and I a giraffe! "Wanna watch Harry potter?" I ask. She turns to me before smirking, "always" she says. We laugh for a while, before I put a DVD in and grab the popcorn.

??? POV

My twin and I had somehow managed to talk our older brother into driving us to their house. When we told him about them running away he was also confused, none of us could work out why. I figured maybe they were intimated by my attractiveness.

Luke and I had followed their scent to this house, and by the looks of it. They were alone. I rang the doorbell. I can hear one of then get up and start to walk to the door, shouting "you had better pause the fucking movie Willy!" Luke and I nearly fall over laughing! Eventually the door opens, and I see my mate poke her head past the opening door. "Shit!" She exclaims, before quickly trying to shut the door. But my foot is in the way. She grimaces before running back into the house. We walk through the door, and close it behind us. "Hello, we meet again...." Luke says as he walks into the lounge. I see my mate grab the bowl of popcorn and throw it at us, covering us both in popcorn. My brother and I begin to growl. Before running to try and find our mates.

I sprint upstairs following the girl wearing a cow onesie. She goes into a room, which I presume to be a bedroom. But she's nowhere in view. "Ooh! I love a game of hide and seek!" I exclaim, rubbing my hands together. I sniff the air, following the lovely vanilla chocolate smell. It leads to a cupboard, I swiftly open the cupboard and find my mate hiding in a pile of clothes. "Found you! So are you going to come the easy way, or the hard way?" I ask, the moving pile of clothes. "I choose option c, you leave me alone and get the hell out of my house!" She squeaks. I shake my head, "not an option sweetie!" I exclaim, before dragging her out of of the cupboard.

I'm overwhelmed by the breathtaking beauty of my mate, her breathtaking brown eyes staring at me intently. "Sorry about this princess" I whisper as I press a rag to her mouth, I can see her holding her breath. I shake my head before pinching her nose, making her breathe in the chemicals in the rag. A few seconds later, she collapses, I throw her over my shoulder and walk out of the room.

As I walk out of the house, I see my brother leaning against the car. "I'm guessing yours chose the hard way as well?" I ask. He nods before helping me get my mate into the car. We both jump into the car and our older brother begins to drive back to our house.

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