Back off wolfy

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Willow's POV

Luke and I hear something loud in the kitchen, so I assume that Mac's probably the source. Luke gets off me and turns back into a human, naked I might add. I think he has a 12 pack if that's even possible, urgh stop drooling Willow. "liking the view?" Luke asks with a wink. I immidiatly look away and feel a blush erupting onto my face. "no." I say defiantly, but it's blatanlty a lie. Luke quickly gets changed back into his clothes, and we go to investigate.

As we walk into the kitchen we see Mac standing with an alarmed look on her face, Theo with an irritated look on his face and a massive puddle of what looks like piss on the floor. "Ok just because you guys are dogs, doesn't mean that you can pee on the floor!" I exclaim with a disgusted look on my face. Both boys roll their eyes at me. "Ok. So now you're telling me that me and willow are werewolves too? Dude the bullshitometer just exploded." She exclaims making all sorts of weird hand gestures. "Bullshitometer?" Luke mumbles beside me, I chuckle at his obvious confusion. "Look I'm telling the truth!" Theo shouts looking pleadingly at Mac. "If you are then how come neither of us have turned into a wolfy type thing?" She retaliates. To be honest she has a point. "Because females usually only change after the age of 16 and after they've met their mates. So it should be happening any time now." He explains, trying to reason with my stubborn friend. Wait, I'm 16... Shit. "Well, jokes on you wolfy because I'm still 15!" She exclaims, poking her tongue out at him. So mature. "Let's ignore the little baby over there. So you're saying that I could change any time now? WHAT? But what if I die? I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" I shout out randomly bursting into tears. "You're not going to die will. I'll be by your side the whole time. The likelihood is that it'll happen the next full moon. Which happens to be tomorrow." Luke explains looking into my eyes, I know he's not lying. Uh, there's something about him that makes it hard to hate him. I suddenly realise that I've been accidentally ignoring Mac after calling her a baby. She's currently pouting and looking really sulky in a corner. Mature.

"I'm not a baby." She says defiantly crossing her arms over her chest. Aw she looks so cute, I can't take her seriously! "You're my baby." Theo coos with laugh. She looks at him with her mouth ajar, "hell no wolfy boy" I chuckle at my surprisingly innocent friend. Theo on the other hand winks at her.

"Is there any chance that we could maybe possibly call our parents?" I ask suddenly remembering that Sarah would probably be freaking out right now. "Sure. They should be cool with it since they're werewolves too." Says Luke with a smile, he then turns towards Theo, who takes out his phone. "See that's the thing. They're our adoptive parents. They aren't related to us. Oh well. YOU AGREED TO IT SO GIVE ME THE PHONE!" Mac shouts running towards the phone in Theo's hand. Theo then rolls his eyes before putting his phone up out of Mac'a reach. (Which isn't hard. She's a gnome) "MEANIE!" She exclaims before pouting and rolling her eyes. "Where are your real parents?" Theo asks looking concerned. "Dead." Mac an I say at the same time. I think we creeped them out... Oh well. "What do you mean? It's almost impossible to kill werewolves" Luke says also looking concerned. "We mean that they died dumbo. We have no parents. We were both put into an adoption centre as babies an were adopted a few years later by Sarah and Harry." Mac explains with a bored tone. "Well that would explain why you don't know shit about who you are. But if we let you call her how do we know she won't call the police?" I shrug, there's a chance she might call the police but to be honest they did kidnap us. So they're gonna have to deal with that. "Fine. Whatever. Take it." Theo says handing Mac his phone.

Mac quickly opens it, then looks at it blankly for a while. "Mac? Do you know how to use a phone?" I ask condescendingly with a laugh. She blushes in embarrassment before speaking. "No! I just forgot her number. BUT I DO KNOW IT I SWEAR!" I quickly grab the phone in her hands and put in Sarah's number. "Put it on speaker." Luke says grumpily. Woah. Someone's on their period. "Calm yourself lulu" I say laughing at my new found nickname for him. He growls. I don't think he likes it... Sarah picks up her phone and I put it on speaker.

Sarah: hello?
Willow: sup
Sarah: willow! You're not dead! What happened!?
Willow: aren't you gonna ask about Mac?
Sarah: OMG she's alive too! I assumed she'd fallen over and died.
Mac: *rolls eyes* hey
Sarah: Mackenzie! You survived!
Willow: anyway... We're staying at a friends house for a bit. Some stuff happened. We'll call you later. We're fine! Bye bye!
Willow: *ends call*

"Nous avons terminé" I say handing the phone back to Theo. "On va voir" Mac says shrugging. (French swag) "so... She's cool with that?" Luke asks with a skeptical expression. "Yup" i exclaim.

"Well. Since that's sorted now, do you want to go see the rest of the pack?" Theo asks. Hm do I want to go somewhere with random people that kidnapped me? Sure why not. "YOLO" Mac says before grabbing my arm and skipping towards the door.

A/N :3
Nous avons terminé- we finished
On va voir- we'll see

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