You look like a cookie

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Mac's POV
I'm dead. Those boys are douchebags. "Come on Mac, it's gonna be fun" he said, no Satan it was not fun. It was hell. So many hours of torture, my body is aching in places I didn't even realise I had muscles! It didn't really help that Luke and Theo were laughing at us. Little shits. I will get revenge mark my words.

"Urghhhh" I hear Willow mumble next to me. We're currently half dead, passed out on a mat in hell.. I mean the gym."it wasn't that bad was it?" Theo asks poking my face. "Fuck off devil spawn" I whisper, using my remaining energy. He looks hurt for a second, but quickly covers it up. "Do you wanna go back home for a bit?" Luke asks, looking down at Willow and I. "Well it's not exactly home. Our home is quite a few miles away." Willow says looking broken and depressed. She's not usually like this. "This is your home now!" Luke shouts his eyes turning a darker shade of brown. Willow flinches before returning his anger, "is that what you think? You think this place will ever be my home? Think again." She shouts, emotion covering her words. Well it's true, this isn't our home. We were taken, and they can't expect us to be happy here. Luke looks like he's about to explode, Theo quickly grabs his arm and leads him out of the room. "I wanna go home" I whisper hitting my head against the floor. "Me too. I miss Harry and Sarah." Willow responded. "What if you actually shift today?" I ask worrying for my best friend. "Well if I do, we can just hope that I don't die. If I do you can have my onesie" she says returning to the jokey Willow I missed.

I suddenly remember the heated discussion Luke and Willow had shared only a few minutes ago. "I think you annoyed your wife" I say to willow, trying my hardest to keep a straight face. She glares at me then sighs dramatically, "it's not my fault it's her time of the month" willows says with a laugh. Of course Theo and Luke had to walk in at that exact moment... Awkward. Theo looks at me with a raised eyebrow, and I shrug in reply. "Let's head back." Luke mumbled, not looking willow in the eye. The two of us stand up and begin to limp back to the house. A few minutes later I realise how long the walk back to the house is, I can't be bothered to walk anymore. "Mac do you want me to carry you? You look pretty tired and pissed off" Theo asks looking concerned. I quickly nod and jump onto his back. "Thank you." I mumble before falling asleep.

Luke's POV
Saying that I'm annoyed is an understatement. The four of us are currently walking back and no one has uttered a word in the past 10 minutes. I know I must seem like kind of a douchebag for shouting at her, but I just don't want her to leave. My brothers and I have had too many people walking out of our lives already. Willow is without a doubt the best thing that has happened to me, and I sure as hell don't want to lose her. She's just so stubborn! Even after I proved to her that I am indeed a werewolf, she's still questioning me! Though I do feel sorry for her, we just kind of took them out of their old lives and placed them into a new one. I'm an idiot! Why did I shout at her, she's probably going to hate me now. "I'm sorry." I whisper so that only she can hear. She sighs, "yeah ok whatever. It's not like your gonna be letting us go home anytime soon anyway." Willow replies sounding 100% done with the conversation.

Willow's POV
"We might at some point. But just think about this, we've been searching for our mates ever since we could speak. Now that we have finally found them, it would break us to lose them. I wouldn't be able to live without you willow" Luke explains looking deep into my eyes, I feel like he's staring into my soul. It's actually scaring me. "Can you forgive me?" He asks. Hm a very good question, can I forgive him for kidnapping me and holding me against my will. "Maybe at some point." I say smiling at him. He gives me an "are you kidding me look". I look to my left and notice that Mac is no longer walking by my side, but is asleep on Theo's back. Lazy little shit. I turn my attention back to Luke, and attack him with puppy dog eyes. He breaks almost immediately, "fine, I'll carry you" he says rolling his eyes. I quickly jump onto his back, happy that I no longer have to walk. Yes, I am that lazy.

Theo's POV
Eventually we reached our house, with the girls fast asleep on our backs. "I think we should let them sleep for a while, they've had a pretty exhausting day" I say as I walk into the house, closing the door behind me. My brother nods in agreement before walking upstairs with me. I walk into my room and carefully place Mac down on the bad, careful not to wake her. She looks so peaceful when she's asleep, I kiss her forehead and walk out of my room.

I jog downstairs to the kitchen, to grab a bite to eat. I notice that Luke's already downstairs, in the kitchen with two sandwiches in his hands. "YOU MADE ME A SANDWICH! I LOVE YOU!" I shout grabbing one of the sandwiches and greedily taking a massive bite out of it, savouring the taste. "You're a strange person you know that Theo" Luke says with a puzzled look on his face. I shrug before eating more of my food. Yummy.

After finishing our sandwiches, my brother and I walk into the lounge and collapse on the sofas. "This didn't go as well as I thought it would." Luke says sadly. I nod in agreement, "me neither. I think it has something to do with the fact that we kidnapped them..." I reply with a laugh. "Look they're still getting used to it, I'm sure if we're patient everything will work out" I say trying to convince my brother, as well as myself. My brother grunts in response. "Willow's going to shift in a few hours. You know how painful it is the first time, I'm worried" he says fiddling with his hands. "I know. She's going to be fine though." I reply. "I just realised that they don't have any clothes or anything... Maybe we should take them back to their house for a bit? That way they can at least tell their guardians whats happening" I say, suddenly feeling sorry for them. I mean we kinda took away their kids.. "Yeah I guess. But if they call the police, I'm blaming you!" Luke says casually, as if that was a perfectly normal sentence to say.

"MARIO KART MARATHON!" I shout suddenly remembering that we hadn't decided who was the ultimate champion of the game yet. "WHOEVER LOSES HAS TO KISS THEIR MATE TOMORROW." Luke replies, OOH that makes it interesting due to the fact that our mates would probably slap us... "Let the best twin win." I say grinning at my brother.
"Don't worry I will" he shouts, before laughing evilly. Ok... Now I'm slightly concerned.

Willow's POV
I'm writhing in pain. It feels like every single bone in my body is broken. Suddenly I hear a horrifying crack, and the pain intensifies. "Is anybody there?" I shout hoping that somebody would be able to help. Seconds later 3 figures appear at the door, with worried expressions on their faces. "Are bones supposed to do that?" Mac whispers looking at me with wide eyes. "Not helping" I grumble clenching my teeth. "I think we'd better call Ryan and Becky" Theo says before swiftly leaving the room. "It hurts" I mumble, overwhelmed with pain. Luke is by my side almost immediately, he holds me close and strokes my hair. Surprisingly I feel slightly better.

Mac walks over to me and sits down. She doesn't say anything, but her company is nice. Suddenly I feel a great deal of pain in my head and a voice appears. Stop fighting me, you're making this harder!
Hm voices in my head is probably not a very good sign...
I am Ella, your wolf.
Oh I have a wolf now that's new. Nice to meet you Ella. Any chance you could not break every single bone in my body?
I'm not trying to, but the first shift is always like this, I'm sorry.
Nah it's cool don't worry, the pain is only unbearable.

I stop the conversation realising that I've been talking in my head, and no one else heard it. "Willow? Are you ok? You blanked out for a bit" Luke asks looking worried.
"Yeah I was having a conversation with a wolf in my head" I respond as if that was a normal sentence. Luke nods, and Mac looks at me as if I've grown another head.

A few minutes later Ryan, Becky and Theo appear in the room. "Oh sweetie, I'm sorry." Becky says looking at me sadly. "There's nothing we can do to help, she has to do this on her own" Ryan explains, looking at me with guilt plastered on his face. I nod in understanding, then my pain grows further and I fall off the bed and collapse on the floor. I close my eyes and then something happens. I'm not entirely sure what it is. I hear the people around me gasp or sigh in relief. I quickly open my eyes, suddenly feeling much better. "Hey guys I'm feeling better now" I exclaim, but it comes out in growls and barks... When did I learn dog? I hear the voice in my head sigh. Willow, look at yourself. I do as she says and look at my arms, I notice that they are incredibly hairy and goldy brown colour... Also I have paws... Oh I look up at Mac, who looks at me adoringly. "OH MY GOD! SHE LOOKS LIKE A COOKIE!" She exclaims, hugging me tightly. "Welcome to life as a wolf Willow" Ryan says shaking my paw.

I escape Mac's grip to go find a mirror, falling over a few times. Walking on four legs is harder than I thought... Eventually I find one, as I gaze into the mirror I notice that my eyes are the same colour as they were before, but the rest of my appearance was completely different, as I was in fact a wolf. Wait a second, how am I suppose to change back?! Fuck.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2015 ⏰

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