Apple juice

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Mackenzie's POV

My head is killing me, I slowly peel my eyes open and notice that i'm not in my bedroom, Well, i'm in a bedroom, it's just not mine. Actually there isn't a room like this in my house.
I slowly sit up, there's a person sitting on a sofa in the corner of the room. I recognise him from somewhere, I just can't remember where exactly. Oh, right he kidnapped me yesterday. Stupid douchebag.
"Ok, so first you kidnap me, and now you're watching me sleep. Creep" I say, mumbling towards the end of the sentence. He looks amused, but then his expression changes to a serious, "Why did you run away from me?" He asks, his bright green eyes burning into my skull. "I ran away, because a random stranger, hugged me and whispered something weird in my ear. Ever heard of stranger danger?" I exclaim, I don't think any of this is getting through his thick skull.
"But i'm not a stranger! I'm your mate!" He shouts across the room. Woah calm yourself, go take a chill pill! " I give up. Go make me some food slave!" I say, as my stomach erupts into a growl. To my surprise, he actually gets up and walks out the door. Yes! As he leaves, I stand up and take off my onesie. I'm wearing shorts and a t-shirt on underneath. Luckily my phone is stashed in my shorts. As I turn it on, my excitement fades. There's no signal. FUCK YOU PHONE COMPANY!
I stuff my phone back into my shorts and walk towards the door. Great it's locked. I take a step back, bracing myself. LLAMA POWERS ACTIVATED! I kick the door handle and to my amazement it pops off and lands on the floor. I HAVE THE FORCE!
Now to find my dear friend Willy.

I skip down the corridor, listning for signs of life. I hear none. Oh well, Willow had a good life! Then I hear faint arguing, well maybe that's willow and the other Kidnapper. I quietly open the door and sprint into the room. "Get away from Willow!" I shout at the intimidating mortal before me. He smirks before saying, "Oh, so your name's Willow. That's a pretty name." Willow then glares at me and I awkwardly laugh. "Oops...." So I thought of a brilliant plan to enable us to escape. I grabbed a pillow,and threw it at the kidnapper hitting him in the face. I then grabbed willow and ran out of the door. We ran downstairs, and while I was was trying to find the door I ran into somthing very hard.
I look up and notice that it's the kidnapper currently making me pancakes!

"Aw you're making me pancakes!" I exclaim. Drooling slightly over the smell. He rolls his eyes, " and where exactly did you think you were going?" Kidnapper asks, crossing his arms over his chest. "I was looking for food." I mumble staring intently at the plate of food. He shakes his head before saying, "yeah yeah, eat your damn pancakes!" I nod before running to grab the plateful of pancakes, before willow gets there. As I'm eating, the other twin walk down stairs. "Luke? What happened?! They were trying to escape!" Pancake guy shouts at "Luke".

"Not my fault, they threw a pillow at me. Pillows are my kryptonite" he exclaims with a shrug. Ok, so now I've eaten all of the pancakes, I can relax. My baby's are safe in my stomach. There's no way we can escape now that both of them are here, they can easily overpower us. Great.

Luke and pancake guy sit down at a table, and willow and I do the same. "I think we deserve some answers" willow says, glaring at the two boys with her arms crossed. Luke nods, "sure thing!" He says with a smile before pinching willow's cheeks, making her erupt in a blush. "Ew. Anyway, where are we?" I ask. Pancake guy answers, "we're in Oxford" I have a minor heart attack. I begin to repeatably bang my head against the table, there's no way we'll be able to get home! God damn it! "Ignore her. Who are you?" Willow says. Wow, thanks willow. What did I ever do to deserve such a nice friend?
Luke speaks,"I'm Luke Parker, I'm 16. And this is my twin brother Theo Parker" So pancake guy's name is Theo, eh I prefer calling him pancake guy.
"I have another question! Why the hell did you kidnap us!" I exclaim, my words dripping with sarcasm. Theo shakes his head before speaking, "Because you two girls are our mates, meaning that you were made for us, our other halves if you prefer. Since you two decided not to come easily, we were forced to take desperate measures" he explains. Hmm, isn't that like a werewolf term or something. Holy shit we kidnapped by werewolves! "I have another question. Er, are you guys werewolves?" I suspiciously ask. Willow looks at me, "The fuck?" She questions. The two boys look at each other, before slowly nodding. "Please don't freak out!" Luke says, as he crouches down onto the floor, and well turns into a fucking wolf. As you do.

"I'm outta here!" I shout as I run upstairs, back into the room I woke up in and lock the door. I feel bad for abandoning willow, but she can probably survive on her own. As I walk around the room, I notice how impeccably clean it is. These people are not normal teenagers. Well I guess, they're not really teenagers. Okay, how do I get out of here? Just as I'm about to check the window. I hear a voice from the other side of the door, "open the door." The person says.

"No, you're gonna eat me, and I'm too fabulous to die" I scream into the door. I hear a chuckle, "I'm not gonna eat you. I'm not a cannibal! Please come out" he says.

"Promise you won't eat me?" I ask the door person.

"Yes princess." He says. I then slowly unlock the door and brace myself for a scary werewolf. A few seconds later, I open my eyes, I see Theo standing in the doorway: With an amused expression on his face. "So what's your name then?" He asks. Hm, to tell a kidnapper your real name or not to tell a kidnapper your name, that is the question. Eh, why not, "my names Mackenzie, but you can call me mac" I say. "Well then Mac, would you like to come downstairs?" He asks, tilting his head to the side. I shrug before skipping down the stairs. The sight in front of me, is going to haunt me until the day that I die. I see willow sprawled out across the floor with a wolf sitting on her back. Ok. I'll just leave them to it. "You gonna help me? Come on he's heavy!" She says with a pained expression on her face. Wolf Luke then looks at us with a shocked expression, almost to say: how dare you!

"I would, but I don't want to" I say, as I turn around and wave at her. As I walk around the house, I notice that Theo's following me. "You alright there stalker?" I question the boy currently watching my every move. "Just making sure you don't escape." He says, making the sentence sound almost normal. "I'm not gonna escape! What would be the point? I live like 5 hours away!" I explain, as I continue to walk around the house. "Good." He says. I turn around to face him, "it's good that I'm trapped in my kidnapper's house. Oh yes, obviously! I'm so incredibly sorry for not realising that sooner!" I say sarcasm exploding out of my mouth. "I'm glad that you agree!" Theo says with a smile. I roll my eyes.

I then do a 180 degrees turn (I did a math) and skip into the kitchen (with my stalker still following me). I grab a glass and walk to the fridge. THERE'S APPLE JUICE! I fill up the glass, and marvel at the wonderful gold liquid before me. I notice that while I'm doing this, Theo is looking at me like I've just escaped from a mental hospital.
"what? I like apple juice." I explain, to the judgemental potato before me. "Hmm.... Ok....." He quietly says still looking at me weirdly.

I'm just about to make another sarcastic comment, when a question pops into my head. "I have a question." He gestures for me to continue speaking. "I thought werewolves were supposed to have werewolf mates as well?" I ask wondering how exactly any of this could be true. "We are supposed to have werewolf mates. Um, Mac. You kinda sort of are one of us" He explains. I guess before he started speaking wasn't a very good time to drink my apple juice, as now it's spread across the kitchen.... Oops.

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