Meeting people

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Mackenzie's POV
We are currently walking through a creepy looking forest. My feet hurt and I'm bored. I swear I've aged considerably since we entered the forest, it feels like years have gone by. I'm not sure if I'm going to make it out.
Anyway enough of the dramatic monologue.
"I'm bored. Can I get a piggyback." I shout grumpily trudging through the mud. "Yeah! Me too! Carry us slaves!" Willow says laughing evilly. Luke and Theo shrug before crouching down. I jump on Theo's back wrap my arms around his neck. I rest my head on his back and close my eyes. This is surprisingly conformable.... Don't tell Theo. Also he smells pretty good. WAIT THAT SOUNDS CREEPY...

A few minutes later....
Theo's POV
I can hear Mac lightly snoring on my back. Finally some peace and quiet. I'm joking, I love the sound of her voice. Although she might be a bit of a handful. "These girls are going to be the death of us." Luke says making a sad expression. "Yes they are" I say with a laugh. I must have accidentally woken up Mac because she kicks me in the stomach before falling asleep again. Nice. I groan and pain and my twin laughs at me. Wow thanks.

Eventually we reached the rest of our pack. There are around 700 members in our pack, so our territory is pretty big. I think we should take them to see the Alpha and Luna, maybe they'll be able to find more information on Mac and Willow. My brother and I started walking towards the office of our alpha, who happened to be our brother.

We stepped into the room to see our brother asleep on a pile of paperwork. Wow. Amazing. "RYAN!" Luke shouts at our currently asleep brother. He immediately wakes up and jumps out of his chair looking alarmed. I feel Mac flinch at the sound of my obnoxious brother, before falling off my back. Oops. "Why am I on the floor?" She asks clearly still half asleep. "Wait don't worry it's comfy." She says with a yawn, hugging the floor. I roll my eyes at my mate before looking back at my older brother. "Sorry were you asleep?" Luke says smiling innocently. "Of course not I was just resting my eyes. How are they doing?" Ryan asks looking at the two girls with a puzzled expression. "They're good. We found out that they didn't know about wolves, and that their parents died when they were younger and were put up for adoption. We were wondering if you could help us find out some stuff about them?" Luke explains, looking as serious as I have actually ever seen him. He looks towards at the girl on his back, he's whipped. "Really? That's a bit weird. Sure I'll help. Why don't we show them around the territory first?" Ryan says looking intently at us. My brother and I shrug before attempting to wake up Mac and Willow.

"Willow? Do you think you could get off my back? We wanna show you round." My brother says towards the girl currently holding onto him for dear life. "No. Shut up alarm clock." She mumbles hitting his head. Ryan and I try and hold back our laughter at our brothers attempt to wake up willow. "Willow? There's going to be food, are you sure you don't want to get up?" Luke says hoping it will persuade his mate. Surprisingly willow then jumps off of his back and stands next to us, looking wide awake. How is that even possible? She was asleep moments ago....? "What did you say about food?" She questions. "I can't believe that actually worked..." My brother mumbles to himself, clearly shocked. Now we just had to wake Mac up, who was currently hugging the floor. Mac you need to wake up now." I say shaking her lightly. She doesn't respond. "Mac!" I exclaim. Still no response. "She's a pretty deep sleeper. There is only one way to wake her." Willow says grinning evilly. I gesture for her to continue. "She is the most ticklish person you will ever meet." Oh really? This could be funny. I reach down and tickle her side, moments later her eyes snap open. I continue tickling her and she rolls around the floor making high pitched noises. Eventually I decide that it would probably be a good thing if I let her breathe, so I stop. I stand up and smirk at her, she returns my smirk with a harsh glare, which is then directed at Willow. "You told them! You little shit!" She mumbles, death glaring her friend. Willow laughs before holding her hand out to help Mac up. Willow and Mac finally notice that there is another person in the room, and turn around to face him. He smiles at them before speaking, "Hey I'm alpha Ryan, these two idiots' older brother."

"Nice to meet you. I'm willow and this is Mac" willow says for Mac and herself.

Willow's POV
I know what you're probably thinking. "They just got kidnapped! Why are they being nice?" Well the reason for that would be because if we gain their trust, it will be easier to escape....

"Why don't we show you two round?" Ryan says walking towards the door. Mac and I follow him, our kidnappers then follow us. Creepy stalkers. Ryan seems to be leading us towards a massive group of people who appear to be.... OH DEAD GOD! THAT'S TERRIFYING! They are exercising. Ew.

"this is where most of the pack is at the moment. We train every day without fail. Everyone who has shifted is out there." Ryan explains. I shuffle awkwardly when he mentions shifting realising that I might have to do that today. He then begins to walk closer to them. A few gasps are heard, then everyone starts to bow their heads? Oh right that's because he's an alpha thingy. Thank you fanfiction, without you I would be completely confused in this current situation. He nods at them, before turning his attention to a woman walking towards him. She jumps into his arms and hugs him tightly. Mac and I exchange O.o faces, and the twins roll their eyes at us. Eventually Ryan releases the girl in his arms, "Mackenzie, Willow, this your Luna, Becky" he says a look of pride spreading across his face. Becky waves at us, "hey! If those two idiots ever annoy you, come find me!" She exclaims. I like her. "Sorry babe, gotta get back to training." She says before giving him a kiss on the cheek and skipping away. Ryan then walks into the crowd of people and emerges holding another guys ear, and pulling him towards us. Eventually he releases his victim, "This is Mason, my beta. He's a bit of a douchebag, but you'll get used to him. " He explains, looking towards Mason. "Hey, I'm willow. That's Mackenzie" I say pointing at myself and Mac. He smiles before looking at Theo and Luke behind us, then back at us. "Wait a second... Are you their mates? Aw thing 1 and thing 2 finally found love." He says skipping around us. LOVE? HELL NO! MORE LIKE KIDNAPPING! Mac starts choking next to me, poor Mac. "Ok you guys obviously aren't a fan of the "Lword" by the looks on your faces... Sorry... bye! Use protection!" He shouts as he runs back into the mob of people. He seemed slightly mentally unstable.. I like him. "Hey where did Ryan go?"Mac questions looking around. That's a good point... Where did he go? "Probably went to go back to work." Luke says shrugging. Oh, well that's boring.

"Hey Luke, why don't we take them to the gym?" Theo shouts grinning evilly. "How about no!" Mac exclaims looking grumpy as ever. Theo rolls his eyes before throwing her over his shoulder and walking off. "So... You gonna walk normally or do I need to carry you too?" Luke asks smirking at me. I mumble multiple swear words to myself before following them. "Good girl" he says, patting my head. I swear to god these twins are the spawn of satan. I mean they're making us exercise, that's just cruel.

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