Chapter 1

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Growing up you knew you were never wanted by your parents, you were 'the accident that screwed up their entire life' as your mother would put it, while your father would say the same thing only with a bit more colourful language. Neither of them wanted you and to this day you couldn't figure out why they never just had an abortion or put you up for adoption when you were a baby.

You spend your childhood with parents that hated you and barely spoke to you, but you knew you should be happy to have a roof over your head and food on the table every night, so you never spoke about it. Daryl Dixon on the other hand didn't have it as easy.

The two of you had become friends during primary school, neither of you had any friends before, always keeping to yourselves, until one day you came across an older kid picking on a boy roughly your age.

You had seen him around school and during classes, with his ripped jeans and oversized shirts that were clearly hand-me-downs, but you had never spoken to him before. For a second you thought about just turning your back and walking away from the fight. It wasn't your problem and you didn't really want to get on the radar of the bullies, but when you heard the insults they were saying you couldn't just turn your back.

"You're nothing but a good for nothing, redneck. Your parents can't even buy you new school clothes, or even clean them for that matter! Pathetic!" The eldest boy, Jordan, teased. He would have been a couple grades higher than you and one of the most popular guys in school. "Give me your lunch money, shortie!"

"Don't have none." Daryl responded, trying to keep his temper under control knowing he couldn't afford another trip to the principal's office for misbehaving.

"Everyone has lunch money, give it here otherwise you'll regret it." Jordan yelled and you sighed walking towards the two of them behind the building.

"Hey! Go pick on someone your own size!" You shouted, catching the boys attention as they glanced over at you in surprise. You continued walking towards them, stopping as you reached Daryl's side. You could feel him staring at you in confusion, but you kept your eyes trained on Jordan who took a step towards you.

"Why would I do that, when this is so much fun?" He asked, glancing back and forth between you and Daryl before his eyes settled on you. "Since he isn't giving me any money, I want your lunch money instead."

You stared at the boy for a few seconds, contemplating how to deal with this situation before you nodded. You pulled out a five-dollar bill from your pocket and held it in front of you, making sure you had a firm grip on the note.

Jordan looked at you in shock, clearly not expecting you to actually listen to him before his face stretched out into a grin. He took a few steps towards you before reaching for the money in your hand.

You waited until he grabbed the other side of the note before you slammed your foot into his groin, forcing him to let go of your money as he dropped to his knees, groaning in pain. You took a step towards him as you crouched down so you were level with his face, grabbing his gel filled hair you ripped his head up so he had no choice but to look at you.

"If you so much as look at Daryl again, I'm gonna make sure every kid in school knows that you got your ass handed to you by a girl, two years younger than you. Got it?" You questioned, your voice calm as the boy frantically nodded before you smiled. "Good. Have a nice day."

You stood back up and turned around to find Daryl staring at you with a mixture of shock and respect as you gave him a shy smile before nodding your head indicating for him to follow you as you walked towards the cafeteria.

Past & Future ( Daryl Dixon x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now