Chapter 5

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"Wait, you guys know each other?" Rick questioned from beside you, but you barely heard him as you stared at Daryl, a hint of sorrow flashing across his face which only angered you further. He did not get to feel sorry, he made his decision, he didn't get to feel sorry about it now.

You watched as Daryl took a step towards you, clearly about to say something, but you shook your head. Your hand balling into a fist by your side and before you even thought twice about it, you slammed your fist into the side of his face, punching him.

"Whoa. No, Y/N." Rick suddenly yelled, grabbing your shoulders to stop you from punching Daryl again who stumbled back a few steps from the sudden blow, but he didn't show any anger towards you as he continued to stare at you in guilt.

"Let go of me!" You yelled, trashing out of Ricks hold as you took a few steps away from the two men, your eyes never leaving Daryl's.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry." Daryl began to say, but you quickly shook your head not wanting to hear his excuses or how sorry he was because you knew you'd cave in and forgive him, you could never stay angry at Daryl, even if you hated him for what he did.

"You think you can just say sorry and everything's going to be okay? That you can just suddenly show up and we'll go back to how things used to be? Like you didn't drive a stake through my fucking heart when you left?!" You yelled, taking a step towards him as Rick took a step back knowing the two of you needed to figure out whatever the hell this was.

"I know, I know. I was an asshole 'n I know I can't make it right, but I want ya to know I'm really sorry. God, Y/N, m'sorry for what I did." Daryl apologised, his voice wavering at the end and you felt your heartbreak hearing it. God, you just wanted to wrap him up in a hug and let him hold you, but at the same time you couldn't just simply forgive him for he had done.

"You destroyed me. I waited for you, Daryl. I waited for you every day, but you never came back! Merle even came back for crying out loud, but you didn't! You didn't even come looking for me when the dead started walking. I was alone and pregnant!" You shouted, tears now clouding your vision as you stared at Daryl.

You closed your eyes taking a few deep breaths trying to calm yourself before you continued speaking. "I'm glad you're still alive, Dixon, I really am. But I can't do this, I can't do this." You mumbled, shaking your head unable to stop the tears from falling down your cheeks as you quickly walked back towards the prison, not bothering to wait for Daryl's reply.

You kept your head down as you walked through the kitchen area, not wanting anyone to see you like this. You heard Carol call out to you from one of the picnic tables where a group of people were eating tea, but you ignored her as you walked into the cellblock. The kids were sitting on a blanket outside the cells with Mia and Judith in their laps as you walked passed them towards your cell.

"Y/N?" Enid's voice called, but you didn't respond as you walked into your cell, pulling the makeshift curtain across so nobody could see you as you collapsed onto the bed. You leant back against the cement wall as you hugged your knees to your chest, unable to stop the tears from falling down your cheeks.

"Y/N? Oh my God, what happened? Are you hurt?" Enid's frantic voice questioned as she rushed into the cell, spotting you on sitting on the bed. "Y/N? Talk to me, what's wrong?" She asked, panic evident in her tone as she knelt down in front the bed, her hands grabbing yours and you didn't even realise you were shaking until she squeezed your hands gently to calm you down.

"Do you want me to get someone? Carol? Rick?" Enid asked, but you quickly shook your head, Rick was with Daryl and you didn't... you couldn't see him right now. Not yet.

"Where's Mia?" You asked, your voice barely above a whisper as you lifted your head to look at the young girl.

"She's with Carl and Beth, she's safe. Now what happened?" Enid asked, her hands still around yours and you sighed.

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