Chapter 8

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You guys were going to die. There was no way out... all you could do was wait for the walkers to finally break through the door. Maybe if you were lucky it'd be a quick death, or maybe you'd just put pull the trigger yourself so you didn't have to feel the walkers eating you alive.

You shook your head at yourself, knowing negative thoughts weren't going to help, but you couldn't help it. Your eyes were glued to the walkers by the door but you weren't focused on them, you weren't really focused on anything other than your own thoughts.

"Y/N? What happened?" Daryl's groggy voice asked and your head snapped away from the door as you looked down at him beside you. He was already sitting up, holding his hand to the cut on his forehead and you would have been shocked that you didn't hear him move, but you were just too relieved that he was actually awake to think of anything else.

"Oh thank God." You gasped, instantly throwing your arms around his shoulders as you pulled him into a hug. You felt his body tense at the sudden unexpected contact, but in a split second he relaxed, wrapping his arms around you as he hugged you back. God, you missed hugging him.

"How'd we get in here? What happened?" Daryl asked in confusion as you broke away, both of you sitting back against the wall as he stared at the walkers outside the door.

"The roof collapsed, you saved my life and hit your head in the process." You said motioning towards his stitches as he raised his hand, gently touching his forehead and wincing once he bumped the stitches. "Rick and Glenn have gone back to the prison to get a ladder, it's our only option."

"Wait, ya got me in this room yourself?" He asked, turning away from the door as he looked at you properly for the first time and he spotted the tears in your eyes. He instantly grabbed your hand in your lap squeezing it gently. "We're alive, it's okay." He said gently but you shook your head.

"That door is gonna break before they get back. You didn't see how many walkers were out there, they'll push through the door it's only a matter of time." You replied quietly as you wiped your eyes with your free hand, hating how weak you were being right now.

"Nah, I ain't lettin' ya die. Not like this, we just gotta think of a plan." Daryl replied, brushing his thumb over the top of your hand soothingly, but again you shook your head.

"I've been thinking for the past 30 minutes and all I can come up with is tying all those bedsheets together and using it as a rope or something, but I can't tie strong enough knots."

"I can." He simply replied and you couldn't help the chuckle that left your lips as you shook your head in disbelief. How did you not even think of that? Of course Daryl could tie knots, you've seen him do it a thousands times before.

You didn't bother to reply with words as Daryl quickly stood up and began pulling the sheets off the gurney by the door. You gingerly stood up, trying your best not to limp as you began opening various cupboards trying to find more blankets.

"Here." You said, grabbing a stack of them from one of the cupboards as you turned around to Daryl to find him already having tied two of the sheets together from the gurney as you handed him the four spare sheets.

It took a few minutes but eventually he managed to tie them all together as he walked over to the window. You handed him your axe as he smashed the glass before handing it back to you. He tied one end of the sheets to some metal handle on the wall before he dropped the chain of sheets out the window.

"It's about a 12 foot drop from the bottom of the sheets, but hopefully they get back with the ladder in time." Daryl said, leaning out the window as he took in just how high up you guys were before he turned back towards you as you finished tucking the axe into your belt and walked towards him. "You're limping." He suddenly stated as he quickly rushed over to you, grabbing your shoulders.

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