Chapter 4

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By the time Rick pulled their car up to the front of your cabin, you spotted two backpacks already sitting on the front porch that Enid had gotten ready. You had explained everything to her over your walkie talkie and told the young girl to pack your stuff, she seemed happy to join a community and knew that you wouldn't be joining them unless you were 100 percent sure it was safe.

"That you guys in the car?" Enid's voice called over the walkie talkie and you smiled proudly.

"Yeah, it's us." You replied as you opened up your car door, the others following your lead as you began to walk towards the cabin as Enid opened the door. The pump-action shotgun still in her hands as you gave her nod before she slung it over her shoulder and glanced towards Rick, Glenn and Michonne who were standing behind you.

You quickly introduced everyone before Enid grabbed the two bags dismissing Glenns attempt at helping her carry them back to their car as Michonne followed, leaving you and Rick on the front porch as a baby began crying from inside.

"I guess Mia is awake." You stated as you walked into the cabin, Rick following you cautiously and you didn't blame him, you could never be too careful in this world.

You walked into the lounge room, spotting your baby girl sitting up inside her cot, her cries instantly dying down once she saw you and you smiled. She had just started to learn how to sit up by herself and you were excited yet dreading the day she learns how to crawl and walk.

"Hey, baby girl." You said softly, reaching into the cot to pick her up before you turned back around at Rick as he smiled sweetly, staring at your daughter.

"We have a spare baby cot back at the prison, that's where out community is. You and your daughters will be safe there." Rick said after a few seconds, catching you off guard as you shook your head.

"Enid isn't my daughter. I... umm.. I'm responsible for her, she's like a little sister to me." You tried explaining and Rick nodded in understanding

"Her father, is he here?" Rick asked nodding towards your baby in your arms as you shook your head.

"No, I don't even know if he's still alive. We weren't together when the dead started walking." You answered, thinking back to the last time you actually saw Daryl over a year ago. "Anyway, I think I got everything, ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go." Rick replied as the two of you began walking back out the cabin, to find Enid talking with Glenn and Michonne and you smiled noticing all three of them laughing and smiling.


You sat in the backseat between Enid and Michonne while Rick drove with Glenn in the passenger seat. Glenn and Michonne had asked a few questions about your daughter who was sitting on your lap making quiet cooing noises.

"Holy... No wonder no walkers get in." You commented staring through the car window as the tall wire fences of the prison came into view. There were walkers pressed up against the fence, but they couldn't get through. You spotted a person standing in some kind of watch tower as another person quickly opened the gate so you guys could drive through.

There were some kind of animal pens inside the field in front of the prison along with a bunch of crops, however what caught your attention was the prison courtyard, they had metal picnic tables and benches set up under make shift shelters. There were people walking around, eating and talking amongst themselves. This really was a community.

Rick drove the car slowly around to the side of the prison courtyard, parking beside a few other vehicles they had parked there before you all climbed out. Rick and Glenn grabbing your bags out the boot as Enid stayed close to you and you knew she was nervous.

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