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The scene begins in xyz hospital audi... addressing a bunch of doctors...

"good morning my dear students... Sorry,my young doctors... U r all no more  students...

U r all a responsible doctors... As u all will be dealing with the births and deaths... From now.

It's the time to show ur learning in the medical school in action... Hope u all r ready for this journey... " the senior doctor finishes his speech.

While those young doctors look with proud and confidence...

And one among them is our ragini...

Ragini was smiling as her dream has come true...

"hope I do justice to my work... God! Help me with this...

Lk, u also be with me...ok"

"docs! U are made into group of 5...that stays for a year long. And will be working under a senior resident... "

Everybody disperse to the notice board to check their groups..

Group 1 ...

SR : Dr. arjun sha.

Interns.... 1


Group 5

SR : to be assigned.

1- Dr. Ragini gadodia
2- Dr. Swara malhotra
3- Dr. kavitha das
4- Dr. sanskar jain
 5- Dr. abhishek yadav

Ragini checks her name and gets excited...

"swaru! We both are in the same group... Yippie! Will be together till the end... "

"OMG! That's exciting... I was so worried that we get separated. See, we are soul sisters... "

Ragini chuckles...

Sw"arrey yaar! Ye kya hogaya. That chudail kavitha is also in our group... How shall we tolerate her face everyday.."


Then kavitha comes... While Swara makes disgusting face...

K "who are these 2 boys. They are not from our batch right! "

Sw "oh! May be they are the externs from the other college... "

R"may be..."

Sw "raghu! Where r u lost?"

Ra"nowhere... We have no senior doctor for our group.. Yet to be assigned.."

Ka " oh yaa! "

Sw "arrey! When u are there, what's the need for a senior doctor... "

Kavitha makes faces...

Rag "swaru, tum bhi naa... " she keeps going...

Sw " I really meant... U r a topper... "

Ragini just smiles at her...

All the three head towards the assigned department...

There they find a guy already waiting...

"hii! Interns?"

"yup! And u? "

" I am Dr. Abhishek yadav.. Ur co-intern... Basically I am an extern. My dad got transferred to this city... So had to change the hospital "

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