Truth or Dare... 😝

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Hello everyone !

I am back with the next part...



Scene opens in laksh's cabin...

"guys! Hope u have given ur exams well...

The results take a week as few others from different postings have not given the exam yet...

Hope u all will make me proud this time also... "

All nod and smile...

"next two months u have general medicine right! "

They all nod in yes sadly as they will miss surgery and him..

"that's okay! We will meet every evening in parking lot and discuss the cases... "

Everyone bids him bye and was about to go...

"oh no! "

"what happened bhai? "

"my seal is missing... "

Ragini who was at the back closes her eyes and walks fast...


Days roll over...

"bhaii, laksh bhai... " sanky enters the seminar hall which was dark.

"where is this bhai! Why did he call me here ?"

He was about to go when the projector gets on...

Sanky gets surprised and looks at it...

It shows an old video of a hospital...

Sanky stands rooted in his place as he knew which hospital it is... His hands start shaking and eyes start tearing...

He was about to run back but stops hearing a voice from it...

It shows the ICU where his dad (sharath Jain) was lying
with bandages over his body...

Sanky looks at that shocked...

Then his mom sangeetha enters the ICU running...

"sharath! What's all this... Why god is so cruel... "

"geetha! Plz don't cry... It's the fruit of my bad deeds. "

"no sharath... U can never be bad... How many services and charity u have done... "

"no geetha! I accused u, doubted on u even after knowing how much u love me... For 10 long years...

But what to do! Even I love you so much that I couldnt digest the fact that u loved some one else... "

"no sharath! I always love u and only u... " she wipes her tears... "I ll take u abroad if not here... "

He holds her hand... "no! It's time already. I have only minutes left. Thank u for everything and love you... "

Then mukesh kapoor also enters... "sharath! How did this all happen? "

"mukesh! I hurt u also... Sorry my friend. If possible, forgive me... "

"shut up... U r like a brother to me... "

Sharath smiles...

"will u both promise me some thing... " he extends his hand.

Both cry... But keeps their hand on his...

"u both marry each other.. "

They take back their hand..

Inspirational love....😍 (completed✔)Where stories live. Discover now