swa rag san and ?

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Hey everyone!

Guess who will be in place of question mark before u read the part... 😁

I am back with an update...

Hope u enjoy...


Story till now...

Swasan are back from the camp...

The couples are confused with their newly found feelings...

Scene begins in laksh's cabin...

"guys! Good to see u all... I have an announcement to make...

U r only left with 15 days of surgery postings...

And these 15 days ,u need to learn plastic surgery...

Apparently, this speciality is not here and u guys had to go to ABC hospital...

U all need to leave today evening...


And I ll miss u all..."

All nod sadly while ragini smiles...

Laksh looks at her confused...


Rag : guys! It's very close to my house... U all can stay over in my house.

Swa :yippie...I will get to eat sumi aunty made food...

Ragsan smile at her...

Kavi :no thanks! I ll stay in a hotel...

Abhi :sorry rags! My uncle also stay close... I ll stay with him... Don't mind.

Rag smile...

Kavi :sanky! U also stay with me...

Swa will be cursing her in mind...

San thinks... Baby! I will be with swaragini. I want to meet rho... The devil...

Swarag smile at that...

Kavi : okk...


In sanlak room...

"bhaii! I miss u..  "

"I miss u all...i can't believe we finished 4 months already... "

Sanky smiles at that...

He drops all of them to the bus stop...

Ragini will be all smiling...

"someone is very excited... "
He looks at ragini.

She smiles sheepishly...

"bhaii! She is staying at her house for 15 days...That's y"

"wo Sir! I thought of going after surgery... But I got this chance now only...

I am so excited to meet them all... "

"hmm... So u won't miss me?"

She was dumbfounded with his question...

What r u even asking lk... U r there in all the cells of my body...

"I... I miss u sir... "

"miss u too ragini... "

Both fall in an eye lock.

Swasan see that and signal something to each other...

All of them get into the bus

Inspirational love....😍 (completed✔)Where stories live. Discover now