bhai... bhai 😝

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Hello everyone!

I am back with an update...



The scene opens in hospital.

"hadh hai yaar...he is not accepting my anything from morning... Taking revenge on me... " sanky whines...

Swa "he will accept when u do something right... "

Abhi "ha sanky! U were doing all wrong... "

Sanky twists his lips...

He enters the hostel and sees the room door open...

"sanky, beta u r gone... That Junior... I mean Sr will eat me raw...

Let's face it! What the worst would happen...he would give me an hour lecture... That's all... "

He enters his room to find it empty... But he hears a sound from the washroom.

"chal sanky, fatafat se change karle.... Then get out as soon as possible and come late night... So, that u can avoid him... "he thinks.

He was about to go but
"sanskar! " laksh calls...

Sanskar closes his eyes...

"yes Sir! " he turns gulping saliva.

"I am shifting to abhishek's room... U no need to share your room. "

Sanskar opens his mouth in 'O '...

Before he could tell anything,

Principal and paediatric HOD come to their room...

"Dr. Laksh! We got to know that u r sharing room with an intern... I am so sorry!

I ll make the arrangement soon... "

"That's okay sir... Take your time... "

HOD "oh! Dr. Sanskar is also this room urs! Then principal sir,no problem at all...he is a very good boy... "

He side hugs sanskar... While he smiles sheepishly

And laksh looks at him in disbelief...

"is it! Then fine...ok Dr. Laksh, I will let u know when ur room is ready... "

Laksh was about to tell something...

San"sir, not to worry at all..
In fact, laksh sir can stay whole year with me... I have no problem... Good part is I Can learn from him... Plz sir. "

Laksh looks at his theatretrical skills and mentally applauds...

"sir, I had told u already... keep it up sanskar. "HOD says.

Both smile and leaves...

Sanskar turns to find laksh folding his hands at his chest...

"is your drama over? "

"sir, I really mean it" he says bending his head...

"accha... U won't me to stay with you... "

He nods his head in yes...

"hmm.... "

He looks at him confused.

While laksh sits on the same chair and makes sanskar stand at the same place...

"where r u from? "

"Bangalore... "

"final year percentage? "

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