where is lk??

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Scene opens with ragini passing lk cabin...

It was locked.

"he has not come today also. It's been two days I saw him...

Y is he not coming... Did he take my words so serious.
Does he love me so much that he is ready to give up just for my words...

Oh god! It's so confusing...

Or is he in some trouble?? "

She widens her eyes at her own thought...

And sees the shiv parvathi moorthi in the corridor...

She goes there and joins her hands...

"hey shivji! I am so restless for him... Hope he is safe.

Plz unka raksha karna... How much ever I try to hate him, it's not possible...

Like wise, I can't love him back.

I can pray for him at least...
Plz plz get him out of the trouble. "

What do u guys think why lk is not coming? Comment me... 😊


It's been four days lk is on leave...

Everyone in the hospital were missing him... He had charmed everyone especially the one he wanted to...

She pouts seeing the locked door again... Her craziness on him was back. Crazy to just get his glimpse...

His face was only flashing in front of her...

"shall I call him? " she takes her phone out...

Then her mind snaps : u were the one asked him to not show his face...

She looks sad then she hears some noise...And goes towards it.

"Dr. Vinay! What's going on.
Why this much crowd...? "

"Dr. Ragini! Our head durga Prasad maheshwari has sustained cardiac arrest...
A third one and a major one...

He was not doing well since 3 days... That's y lk had gone to Delhi...

Now it has been decided to operate DP sir here as we have cardiosurgery unit...

And this crowd is for him... They all have come to see him... He is God to them...
He has saved so many lives.
He is the light for poor people..."

Now everything gets clear for ragini... She just nods and looks at the crowd...

That time an Air ambulance comes and lands on the hospital terrace...

They shift DP to the OT...
While lk comes down to the crowd...

He was looking all pale might be stressed out of all these happenings...

She looks at him while he goes to the crowd...

"hello everyone! I know how much u all love him...
But right now, he has to be operated...

So plz... Be calm and patient.

We will make arrangements for u all to see him later... "

They all cry and becomes silent...

Tears roll down on ragini's eyes too...


Scene shifts to lk going towards OT...

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